PennSpace -- Housing Discussion Forum

<p>This is for students accepted into the Class of 2011. I already posted on the 2011 forum, but I saw some questions about Housing on the main forum.</p>

<p>PennSpace is a new site that will help incoming freshmen learn more about the College Houses by creating online access to current residents, House Deans, faculty and staff in the weeks leading up to the housing application deadline. </p>

<p>It will run through the week of April 16, 2007. </p>

<p>Troy Majnerick
Coordinator, New Student Orientation (NSO)
University of Pennsylvania</p>

<p><a href=ā€œā€></a></p>

<p>Troy Majnerick
Ladies Man, The Stud Club
University of Pennsylvania</p>

<p>meng-- so many issues you need to work through...</p>

<p>Croatian for likes alcohol</p>

<p>Troy, I'm going to build you the best damn house out of locust walk flyers you've ever seen</p>

<p>I love my PHINS t-shirt.</p>