PennState vs RPI vs Georgia Tech

<p>Im looking to study engineering and ive narrowed it down to PennState, RPI and Georgia Tech.
Im havin a tough time deciding between them.</p>

<p>georgia tech is ranked the highest at #5 (engineering) but it has a 33% graduation rate. so that may too extreme academic wise.
rpi doesnt have much of a social scene??
is pennstate engineering comparable to the other two?</p>

<p>what do you think?

<p>I’ve heard the program at PSU is one of the best as well. Its a tough major so you may see similar stats other places, or people just change majors when they cant take Calc 3.</p>

<p>I’ll go with Penn State.</p>

<p>I am in an almost identical situation- choosing between RPI and Penn State for engineering. Penn State is ranked 5th in the country for job placement, and RPI’s engineering program is pretty prestigous. So academically, I am at a stalemate. It may depend on whether you could see yourself indulging in the hermitic environment of RPI and Troy, or whether you want to remain sociable.</p>

<p>I have to say that all three schools have excellent engineering programs. Consider selecting the school where you feel you can be happy spending at least four years and not be in a huge amount of debt upon graduation. Also, try to select a school that has alternative majors that interest you in case engineering doesn’t work out.</p>

<p>S is an engineering major (junior) at PSU and it is not easy. There is a lot of work. The intro calc, physics, and chem courses can be a ‘bear’. Many students switch out of engineering their freshman year, due to its difficulty and time requirements. </p>

<p>When I did my engineering undergrad eons ago (at another Big 10 university), it was pretty much the same way.</p>

<p>They’re all great schools and you’ll have plenty of chances to do things academically at all of them. The better question is where you will be happier ;). If you can’t bear the cold…GT is obvious but if you like the northeast then you have to decide between big school and smaller…have you visited any?</p>