<p>Any information about Pennsylvania Hall would be appreciated. Is the fitness center typically busy? Is the coffee shop on the first floor just the same as the one in Towers Lobby? Are the lounges on each floor nice, or utilized for housing some years? How many washing machines on each floor?</p>
<p>I'm just genuinely curious as to what kind of information's out there. Thanks guys, you've always been so helpful for me :)</p>
<p>DS was in PA Hall last year. They had a study room on each floor. The lounge was in front of the laundry room. I don’t think they can utilize it for housing unless they put up walls. You should have a separate living room if you are in a suite. I can’t remember the exact number of washer/dryers but DS never had an issue about waiting for a machine. He did his laundry during the day between his classes so it might be busy on the weekends.</p>
<p>My friend was an RA for PA Hall last year. The coffee shop is like a slightly upscale version of the Common Grounds in Towers. I think it has a few seating areas and a few more food options (maybe pre-made sandwiches, I can’t remember). It’s quite nice. The views are BEAUTIFUL from up there :)</p>
<p>Thanks guys, I’m so excited for next year :)</p>
<p>As MTnest’s son…there are 3 washers and 3 dryers. The fitness center is pretty crappy, it’s about as small as a towers room. Better off going to the Pete.</p>
<p>good to know! thanks :)</p>
<p>Oh, and I’ve been wondering, because there’s a round table and two chairs (that I won’t need) in the double rooms in PA Hall… is there any way to get rid of them? Like, will the school take them and store them or use them somewhere else, or am I stuck with a piece of furniture I don’t want?</p>
<p>Basically. You can ask around and see if anyone else on your floor might want to use them for the year, but they need to be back in your room in good condition when you move out or you’ll be charged for them. I don’t think they take furniture out that you don’t want/use.</p>
<p>Damn. Hope someone on my floor wants a table, then.</p>
<p>Is there a particular reason you don’t want the table in your room? Have you discussed this with your roommate(s)? Just curious.</p>
<p>I just don’t see any need for it, or even a real practical use for it since we both have desks and I’d put my TV on top of my dresser… I feel like it would just sit unused and take up space. But hey, maybe we’ll find a use for it :p</p>
<p>I’m sure you will. At the very least it’ll be a clean/open place to eat or have study sessions. I’m pretty sure Pitt wouldn’t provide the desk if the room/suite didn’t have space for it
I’m sure it’ll work out!</p>