<p>YO PEOPLE! From multiple forums in the past months, I have discovered a vast number of amazing and inspiring people applying to UWC! Undoubtedly and unfortunately the majority of said amazing and inspiring applicants will be discarded, while a select few will be accepted.
As I have gathered it, applicants from various countries will know if they have been accepted to attend an UWC by late April, but some may have, like myself, already been accepted. It would be ideal to create a FB-groupe so that we may interconnect amongst our respective colleges. If you have been accepted, please respond, I would love to make contact!
I'll start:</p>
<p>Alpacallama, Denmark
United World College of the Atlantic 13-15!</p>
<p>Hi there! :)</p>
<p>I am so blessed to have been accepted to attend Red Cross Nordic UWC for the years 2013-2015 with a full scholarship. My first choice! :D</p>
<p>To be honest I’m really anxious/apprehensive now as it has been around 3 weeks since I was told that I was nominated/selected by my National Committee to go there, but I haven’t heard a single thing from the college itself yet. Gotta be patient! I’m really grateful to my NC though for all their help and for always assisting me so promptly.</p>
<p>I’m so happy and can’t wait for August to come! If anyone unfortunately didnt make it this year, I definitely encourage you to apply again next year! I didn’t reapply (this year was my first time trying for it), but I’m slightly older than the average applicant (I just turned 18 recently) and I believe that the “extra” years you’ll spend essentially in high school will be with it if it’s at UWC!</p>
<p>Congrats to everyone who made it xx</p>
<p>Edit: I’m from Singapore! ^^</p>
I’m from the Netherlands and Canada and will be attending Mahindra College next year. It’s so exciting how we’re all from different places and will be attending different colleges too!</p>
<p>I’m applying next year. If you don’t mind, could you all post your GPA’s and EC’s? Thanks!</p>
<p>Do you guys want to start a facebook group?</p>
<p>Ideally yes; the inherent intent of this forum is as to serve as a gateway, so that we may interconnect and hopefully find students from our respective Colleges.</p>
<p>I will create a FB-group named “UWC 13-15.” I realise that for many, discretion is preferable in regards to personal information on the Web, so please add me (look in your private messages) on Facebook or send me your name in a private message, and I will subsequently add you to the group (NB: It is a “secret group”, which cannot be found otherwise)</p>
<p>MrJackWhite, the concept of GPA’s and EC’s are non-existent in Denmark. Also I believe, that marks are NOT the (sole or factoring) determinant of a place at UWC.</p>
<p>Hi Alpacallama,</p>
<p>Thanks for creating this thread! I replied your PM via email as CC doesn’t allow me to send PMs yet! :)</p>
<p>Hi Garyoak (Thule?) :D</p>
<p>I was looking at your blog and it’s really interesting how you’ll be swapping your cold-weather clothes for those suitable for a warm tropical environment, and I’ll be doing the exact opposite, moving from sunny Singapore to Norway! </p>
<p>Congrats on being accepted into Mahindra! It seems like a fantastic place :)</p>
<p>Hey guys,
I’m from Norway and will be attendting UWC Atlantic College. Can’t wait till August comes!</p>
<p>Hey otakyun! Check your FB! (-:</p>
<p>@goodygumdrops haha that’s so cool! It’s really great to think that, around August 20th, hundreds of first years and second years will be flying around the globe to meet each other. Get ready for the snow!! I’ve personally always loved cold weather more than warm weather, but the fact that I’ll be in India makes it ok!
Can’t wait to get to know you guys better and hear about your experiences.</p>
<p><a href=“International UWC 2013-15 | Facebook”>International UWC 2013-15 | Facebook;
<p>International FB group for people that got accepted for the years 2013-2015, im from Norway and will be attending RCN! :)</p>
<p>Edit: Saw your post over, but its easier with a link, people should post this link on the forum of their national committee</p>
<p>It doesn’t work when I open it :(</p>
<p>If someone wants access to the group, pm me with a link to your facebook account :)</p>
<p>Hey! I got into MUWCI for 2013-2015. I may not go, as I wasn’t given a scholarship and it’s SUPER expensive without, but then again I may.</p>
<p>Hi Alpacallama,</p>
<p>I’m Tanisha, from Nepal, and I’ve been accepted at AC too 
I’d love to get in touch with any of my future co-years or second years.
Can’t wait till August :)</p>
<p>I am going toooo !!!</p>