People get too worked up over a name.

<p>Relax! It's just college. It's not the end all, be all of human existence. People here have forgotten what it is to be human. Who cares if you didn't get into Brown, or UPenn? In the grand scheme of things, it doesn't matter too much. You're healthy, you're alive, and you're going to do great things. That's all that matters.</p>

<p>You’re in College Confidential.</p>

<p>What else is new?</p>

<p>Absolutely right. Go ask someone who graduated from college 10 years ago when the last time was that they were asked where they went to college. 99 times out of 100 they will say “at first job interview”. After that - never. People care about your performance in the real world.</p>

<p>iron maider,</p>

<p>even though i agree with LCronin general point of view, i will have to somewhat disagree.</p>

<p>surely some ‘name schools’ such as Cornell and dartmouth are living off their reputation and today there are far more superior schools. but attending a name school like cornell is a plus. it does make a difference. even if u attend northwestern and will receive just as good or maybe better) of an education if u attend cornell, the fact that u attended northwestern doesnt give you the advantage of having attend a ‘name school’ that everyone knows about.</p>

<p>i dont come the us. i live abroad. so when i mention on of the ivies, everyone knows about them. but when i mention just as good schools such as cal tech, northwestern, swarthmore ppl hav no idea of what im talkin about.</p>

<p>As far as I know, Northwestern and Cornell hold a very similar prestige amongst businesses.</p>

<p>No offense to any Bush fans, but he graduated from Yale. Seriously, those schools obviously don’t turn everyone into winners. It’s more about the person than the school.</p>

<p>Iskander you are missing my point. I’m not saying that some schools don’t have more name recognition - they do. My point is that once you start your career no one cares where you went to college or even asks. What matters after your first job is your performance and experience. </p>

<p>Ask people that graduated 10+ years ago when they were last asked where they went to college. You will get a blank stare. </p>

<p>Sure there may be an exception or two. But for 99.99% of grads after a couple years it makes no difference if your degree is from State U or a $50,000/yr private school.</p>

<p>IrishThund3r: Yeah, I mean he was only elected twice to the highest office in the third most populous country in the world. What a loser.</p>

<p>fyi: I volunteered on Obama’s campaign for 100+ hours.</p>

<p>Having a big name diploma will help you immensely in the job market, plus be a boost to your self-esteem when people are impressed by you. The thing you don’t understand is that the possibilities with a big name diploma are endless, and you never know how much it can help you.</p>

<p>Of course, you can still be successful without a Brown or Swarthmore or Haverford diploma, but your chances are decreased. There’s a reason that so many Ivy League graduates are successful.</p>

<p>Bush will be remembered as “Yale produced a world leader.” Not “Yale produced a bad presdident.”</p>

<p>Also, sure Bush was a bad president, but it’s not like the socialism-loving Obama would have done any better.</p>

<p>Ironmaiden as a 50 something I could not disagree more. I thinking of changing careers and the name of my school is opening all the doors.</p>

<p>The colleges are best where the best students go. Students who go to Yale, Harvard, Princeton, etc, would do just as well and dandy anywhere else, and probably have similar career options. People who go to those schools are so hyper-ambitious anyway that it really wouldn’t matter if they went to Harvard, Haverford, or Holy Cross.</p>

<p>[Is</a> the Ivy League “Worth It”? - MSN Encarta](<a href=“]Is”></p>

<p>One writer’s opinion.</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Of course many successful people did not go to top schools. You can go anywhere and become successful. </p>

<p>This does not mean, however, that top schools don’t open doors for you throughout life. In my experience they absolutely do. </p>

<p>For over twenty five years I’ve hired at all levels for a major bank. Great schools give an edge. And perhaps even more important, their networks are there at any stage in a career. One call will often get you an interview. </p>

<p>At age fifty plus my access to a top school’s alumni network has been the greatest source for exploring careers and getting to talk to highly successful people in any imaginable career.</p>

<p>You would be hard pressed to find anyone who went to a top school that would agree that at any point that school does not open doors.</p>

<p>I think that as long as you go to college then you’ll be fine in life. You’ll at least be better off financially than like 99.99999999% of HS grads and the vast majority of people in the world.</p>

<p>Turn the coin over and check out the other side. The great news is that millions of kids do go to college and the vast majority of them have life changing experiences regardless of where they go, and become productive citizens, have great families and continue the great American dream for generations to come.</p>

<p>I much prefer to focus on the wonderful things that schools do for kids, particularly those who are not in the Ivy League or top 10 LAC’s. </p>

<p>In these times of enormous financial stress in the world, we would all be well advised to think of ways to be more selfless and giving to others less fortunate, instead of selfish and narcissistic and all caught up in credentialism. Serving others can be highly rewarding.</p>

<p>I am Republican, by the way.</p>

<p>Look, this is off topic, but I really really am mad that gay couples are not allowed to have civil unions. </p>

<p>It doesn’t matter if you think homoseuality is gross, wrong, perverse, and disgusting, it is still absolutely none of your business whether two males or females have the right to make hospital visits, inherit property, or refuse to testify against his/her partner during a trial.</p>

<p>Seriously, gay couples receiving basic civil rights does not affect you at all, and it really is none of your business.</p>

<p>What does that have to do with anything said in this thread? Are you trying to start up a fight with people or something? While I personally agree with you, I think it’s ridiculous that you posted that here. Leave your political opinions to the cafe!</p>

<p>So… back to the REAL topic =).
While I do agree the name and alumni networks can be extremely helpful and justify concern of prestige, the people who the OP mentioned who obsess over getting into a college solely because of its name, and who disregard other important criteria FOR prestige… that’s getting too worked up over a name.</p>

<p>You can get an alumni network with many more colleges than a top 20. State universities have so many alumni, many of whom are in management and hiring positions. I’m not doubting that Harvard or Yale help open doors, but I think saying that Harvard and Yale open more doors and opportunities that others schools simply can’t provide is a little bit over the edge. If you graduate, you can find a great job. If you do engineering, many public schools are ranked higher than the Ivies anyway (except maybe Cornell).</p>

<p>I’ve met many wealthy lawyers, doctors, and amazing teachers who have graduated from the state university. My most amazing teachers in High School didn’t go to a prestigious college. While Yale and Harvard may give you some advantages, saying that you will be suddenly thrust into a circle of wealth and prestige that you could never have gotten into before is painting a picture that, from my own experience, is not reality. Many of the happiest people I’ve ever met didn’t go to a “great” college and don’t have a mountain of money in the bank.</p>