People that have been accepted to TCU please chance me

<p>Hi I was wondering what you think my chances would be to getting into a school like TCU.</p>

<p>I am Hispanic/Male</p>

<p>3.28 GPA weighted
1520 on the SAT (500-CR, 520-Math, 550-Writing)
Class Rank- 12 out of 18 (I come from a small private catholic high school and we only have 18 in the class)
AP: English AP- junior and senior year</p>

*Multiple theatre productions doing community theatre- (4 so far, 2 while in high school)
*Participated in school's One-Act play 12th grade- 1st and district and 1st at State (got honorable mention at State)
*Literary Criticism- 11th (3rd at district and 5th at state)
*Over 200 Community Service hours just helping around my community
*Golf- 9th and 10th grade (both years team made it to State)
*Student Council-12th grade Class Representative</p>

<p>High School- College Preparatory high school and has had many students go to TCU, Baylor, SMU, Notre Dame and other high ranking schools.</p>

<p>If you could let me know what kind of chance I would have to getting into TCU because it would save me some time and money if I knew I had no chance.</p>

<p>Your SAT scores are below average, but with the extra curriculars I would guess that you have a decent shot.
Make sure that your essays are strong and that your recommendation is as well.</p>

<p>My stats are a little higher than yours and I got accepted. You just have to make sure your essay is well thought out and make sure you do even the optional stuff for applying(such as expression page). With all this and your awesome extra curriculars you have a great chance at getting in. Good luck!! :)</p>