Personal Statement/Common App Essay

Is writing about Kurt Vonnegut’s influence on me as a person over the past year a good topic for a personal statement/common app essay? I’m drawing a blank as to what to write about and want to get a jump on it early.

That could be a great topic if done well.


@billypilgrim2 if this is your real name, I would urge you to change it asap. Here is how:

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It’s fine if it’s about you and not about him.

Essays can be about anything and you might brainstorm and write down 10 ideas. They might start flowing.

A girl who got into Yale wrote about the exhilaration of waiting for papa johns to deliver. My kid wrote about tea - good or not I don’t know and she got in most everywhere including top level schools. You could write about the fuzz on a tennis ball.

Yes they all have to tie into you.

There’s likely more topics - let your mind flow :slight_smile:


40 years ago I wrote my college essay about often feeling “unstuck in time” like Billy Pilgrim in Slaughterhouse Five. It worked out ok, but so it goes😀

I love the idea! Pivot quickly from how the themes or content inspired you, into how you acted upon that inspiration, and I think you are good to go.


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Love the idea and ofcourse write it well but just having this idea I think you can do it well. Many here can help you but never post anything online. Excited to hear what you do with it.

Either you’re joking, or you’ve never read Vonnegut’s most famous novel (and what I consider to be his masterpiece), Slaughterhouse Five.

Our OP has become unstuck in time…

The OP changed their screen name before you all commented on the current one.

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I agree that the topic for an essay can be anything or anyone. Because the subject of the essay is you. But I think the main point is to have the ability to reveal yourself, that is, to relate words to your best qualities. This will be very difficult for those who have rarely revealed their soul on paper. For example, some of the specialised apps helped me a lot. Personal mentors are good, but for the best results, you need to practice every day.

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