<p>I made so many mistakes in my life but the worst by far was getting arrested and charged with a DUI. I changed my life around ever since that experience, do u think it's too much for a personal statement? Should I have not written about that??</p>
<p>please!!! Let me know your thoughts</p>
<p>It could look careless. It really depends on how you twist it</p>
<p>I know its kinda a hit or miss…It was the lowest point in my life, but I matured very quickly after that experience especially since after the incident my family moved to a different state and I had to take care of myself completely. I began taking responsibility for my action, got into the honors program, became an assistant manager, and got involved in the latino community.</p>
<p>Risky topic, but I guess if you got a really positive experience out of it, use it.</p>