<p>Is the personal statement an important factor in evaluating an applicant?
I am now preparing my personal statement, but I'v no idea how long should it be?
And how can I get some examples of successful statements?
I appreciate any help~</p>
<p>Are you from China? If you are (and apologies if you are not), did you just take the Chinese graduate school examination? And due to the results on those, decide to go abroad instead?</p>
<p>If so, it's going to be a lot of work. I recommend reading old posts on this forum, as well as at <a href="http://community.livejournal.com/applyingtograd/%5B/url%5D">http://community.livejournal.com/applyingtograd/</a>.</p>
<p>In response to this specific question:</p>
<p>The personal statement is probably the single most important part of the application to PhD (and most MA) programs. It can be any reasonable length, but for now I recommend 1,500 words. Examples of successful statements should be on that livejournal community. Good luck.</p>
<p>What field are you applying for, by the way?</p>
<p>It is amasing that you know I am from China and thank you so much for your advice.
I am applying for PhD program of Environmental Engineering.
Say, is 1500 much too long? Since some one suggest that 1-2 page is enough.</p>
<p>Usually the program you are applying to will tell you how long the personal statement should be. When I was applying I had some that were 1000 words and some that were 500.</p>
<p>Heh, well 1,500 is indeed probably too long. But I think the best strategy in writing the personal statement is to write it all out, and then cut it down mercilessly. What they are looking for is expansive ideas expressed through economic prose. That always makes you look smart and competent.</p>
<p>If I find any more relevant information, I'll try to post it in this thread for you.</p>
<p>Thank you so much for your help.
If you don't mind, I would like to send my ps to you.
Would you please revise it for me ?</p>