Pet Peeves

<p>when people open their mouths really really wide when they talk...and when people talk like ventriloquists (spelling)
when people wear really ugly clothes
when people are really mean for no reason</p>

<p>People who don't finish what they start (not closing drawers really bothers me for some reason), people with no common sense, slow things.</p>

<p>i complete agree with all of those, dancer
people who obsess over their appearance</p>

<p>Anyone who thinks I am wrong.<br>
Anyone who argues with me because I am wrong.
Anyone who defeats my arguments.</p>

<p>I agree that unreadable (or non-existent) street or house signs are really infuriating. What is the point of having street names and numbers at all if you are not going to let anybody see what they are?</p>

<p>I hate it when someone gets a lower grade than me and proceed to point out how bad my paper is.</p>

<p>I hate people who agree with everything, or never say anything witty. I have a friend who says "Cool!" or "Me too!" or "___, too!" to practically EVERYTHING I say.</p>

<p>I hate people who talk in loud shrill voices to attract attention.</p>

<p>I don't mind if someone isn't punctual once in a while, but I absolutely hate it when someone is late for something that is about to go, like a bus. Then everyone is late.</p>

<p>I also hate it when people brag about talents they supposedly have, when they're truly mediocre.</p>

<p>I suppose my biggest pet peeve is appreciation of mediocrity.</p>

<p>I hate when people try to appear as if they dont care, because they think its cool. I know a girl who wants to be "punk rock," so she acts like nothing matters and she never cares about anything because she thinks thats what "punk rock" is.</p>

<p>I just can't stand it when people use "quality" as an adjective.</p>

<p>I think slowness wins as the biggest pet peeve! Funny, I saw this thread title, and the first thing that popped into my mind was the woman I got behind driving last night going roughly 25 mph. It was on a highway, speed limit 55, dry, clear weather. There are some curves and hills, so most people slow below 55 sometimes. Most people also accelerate above 55 sometimes. This woman did not go over 30 for 15 miles (how long I was behind her until there was a place to pass only slightly illegally) Oooh, I was thinking some mean thoughts. Actually, I was screaming some mean thoughts.
I hate people who pretend to be dumb but aren't really. It's considered 'cool' to be redneck where I live, so even the kids who are intelligent act stupid. People who really are dumb don't bother me since they can't help it. I try not to get annoyed about things that are beyond any one's control.</p>


me too! like when someone says a joke, this person actually GETS the joke but says: " I don't get it " just to get attention and so people would call her dumb. Then she'd say, "i'm just a pinapple lump: blond on the inside, brown on the outside"</p>

<p>And i hate it how people say: I did so bad, i got 99%. I got one question wrong. Boo HOO.</p>

<p>And i hate it when people say that they suck at something (when they know they do well) to get other people's praises.</p>

<p>Yeah slowness is probably the #1 pet peeve. Slowness for connnection, drivers, people, etc.
It's like let's go we have other stuff to do. And I hate girls who are named Cynthia.</p>

<p>Kidding. :p</p>

<p>For the "I did so bad, I got 99%" thing, I can understand being frustrated if that one percent was lost because of a dumb mistake (ie. in math, adding in one part of the equation instead of subtracting). But, yeah, it does get annoying when people whine to get attention.</p>

<p>So-called "smart people" on the board who make these common spelling errors:</p>

<p>"definately" (definitely)
"I'm bias" (no, you're biased)
"poly sci" (it's poli sci)</p>


<li><p>People who walk too damn slow. Would you get out of my way? k thx?</p></li>
<li><p>Peopl who stay in the middle of the hallway and have a conversation. Wow like move to the side.</p></li>
<li><p>Repeating myself</p></li>
<li><p>People who crave acceptance or the need to be popularity</p></li>

<p>people who spread out across the width of a sidewalk and walk realllllly slowly, so that nobody can get around them.
people who think they are really cool but aren't (freshmen and eighth graders are often the worst.
people who pretend to like a movie because its popular, even though they really dont
people who pretend not like like a movie because its popular to like it, even though they really do like it</p>

<p>people who pretend to be dumb AND people who pretend to be smart
people who brag waaay to much

<p>I forgot one. PHONE CALLS.</p>

<p>Blast those telemarketers to HELL! They call every effin' five minutes, no joke.</p>

<p>I once pulled out <em>all</em> the phone cords. NO CALLS FOR A DAY.</p>

<p>I got in so much trouble, since some of those phone calls were important, but it was totally worth it.</p>

<p>:[ Blaaahhh I'm a slow thinker. ><; Poor me. :] LOL Telemarketers! x[ Yea they should be blast to Hell. :[</p>

<p>yes telemarketers!! They would ring everyday asking for the householder and i'd say the same thing: he's out, she's out. It went on for like 20 days. Then, I just told them they were going to be away for 6 months. I think they got the message.</p>

<p>And one more: People who put on too much perfume/cologne!!
I had this exam today (luckily it wasnt too important) and this guy next to me had this weird smelling cologne - like.. vanilla and musk.. and weird stuff.. the really heavy stuff. On a GUY.. Everytime he figited, i'd get a whoof of him and i felt soo dizzy and couldnt concentrate.</p>

<p>And girls who try to go up the 'social hierachy' but clinging onto a group of friends to get their friends.. then ditching the old friends for those new friends.. then ditching them for friends of the new friends.. get what i mean?
I can usually see that and I always slap them off but sadly, non of my friends can so they happily accept this ass into our group</p>

<p>O.O Heavy cologne? x] Maybe he likes yoouuuu NoFx! lol jp girl!</p>