<p>I know the PE program here is very highly ranked, but how competitive is it? More so than other engineering majors or about the same?</p>
<p>Do you mean in the application process or in the classes? Either way it’s competitive for sure.</p>
<p>I’d say the application process is more competitive than the classes will be. Petroleum filled up very fast when I was applying. You’re classes are going to be filed with some very bright people, but if you are serious about this, I’m willing to bet you’re bright. People always told me that engineering was impossible, but it’s not. Sitting on a 3.75 in Civil and I’m not a super genius, just get your work done and you’re golden.</p>
<p>@890iop: My tip is apply it as soon as you can. It’s full very quick but if you re applying as a freshman student, I think it would be easier a little bit. </p>
<p>PETE in TAMU is one of the BEST departments over the WORLD. For sure, it’s very competitive. However, it’s worth for the future!</p>
<p>Good luck!</p>