Pharmacy or new major?

Hi, I have no idea what pharmacy school is like and I am scared that I am going to end up flunking out. I go to a specialized high school in New York and I get decent grades. Can someone tell me their experience in pharmacy school? I take IB but IB chem is extremely hard and if its anything like IB Chem, I don’t know if I would be able to make it. I want to decide if I want to apply to Pharmacy schools now so that I do not have to stress on it later. I am also going to be applying to another major( i don’t know yet) just in case I don’t end up getting into any pharmacy schools. I literally choose pharmacy because I heard it wasn’t that bad.

When you choose pharmacy, you would want to worry about your employment prospects once you finish. Pharmacy is already extremely saturated and getting worse each year as more schools graduate their first class. It will be very difficult for you to find a job once you finish your program.

I would choose another major. There are other professions such as engineering, finance, computer programming, etc. that pay just as well if not better than pharmacy, have much better employment prospects, and do not require you take out $200k+ in loans.