Phillips Exeter Academy?

<p>Hello there,
This is my first post on this website, so bear with me on my lack of knowing anything about this site.
I am currently applying to the Phillips Exeter academy, and I am wondering, like many others, what are my chances.
I am applying to the 10th grade, and I live in New Jersey. I am half white/ half African(not African AMERICAN, African from the country of Africa.)
I have very good grades, all A's and the occasional B in more difficult classes. I am in the highest classes for my year. I most likely got good recommendations from my English Teacher, being as we have a very close relationship, and O.K recommendations on my Honors Geometry teacher, seeing as I get B's in her class, but try very hard. I speak French, and live in a weird environment. Being as my dad and mom are divorced, my dad lives a very american lifestyle, while my mom is more traditionally african.
I have a great interest in art, I work with digital art and post on a website here... Mocheh</a> on deviantART
On my SSAT i had an 86 percentile, mostly because my Math was mediocre, while my two other subjects were in the high 90's.
I felt very confident in my interviews and told them most of what I told you.
So, what do you think my chances are to be accepted?</p>

<p>Did you mean to post in the homeschool section? It sounds like you go to a traditional school. You might try posting in Prep School Chances.</p>

<p>Africa is a continent…</p>

<p>i caught that too africa a continent what country is your family actually from there are a lot in africa LOL…you should be fine</p>

<p>I once yelled at someone for saying that you can’t be just African, but then she gave me some long lecture about how her family was enslaved and lineage couldn’t be traced to a single country so their most specific ethnicity is simply African. Idk, maybe that’s the OP’s excuse too.</p>

<p>I’m applying for exeter too, hence the crazy username. i have about the same score as you, but i’m asian and got perfect on my math. the other 2 drag me down. </p>

<p>I’d say you have a fairly good chance, if you have ec and sports on your side, but what do i know. I’m applying to for 9th grade. keep this in mind. It’s harder to get into a boarding school when your not applying for the lowest level. after students are addmited into the school, few leave, so there are few spots open. it’s even harder if your applying for finacial aid, because there are little openings to thier budget. </p>

<p>Hope I could help, and good luck.
-crazyforphillipse(xeter) get it?</p>

<p>might want to transfer this to prep school forum to get more posts</p>

<p>^ please dont tell the kid that he has a lower chance because he is applying to a higher grade, because it is not true</p>

<p>like i said, i’m only in 9th grade, so what do i know… i’m sorry. don’t listen to me on that one.</p>

<p>crazy4phillpse, you are way off on the financial aid answer as well. If a student is accepted at PEA and their family makes less than a certain amount, that child’s tuition is FREE. There is no such thing as a financial aid opening at PEA. They accept students first and then look at their financial situation. They have a nearly $1 billion endowment.</p>

<p>Phillips Exeter Academy offers a unique college preparatory education.</p>