<p>Any cadets on here been to Philmont as an Academy Ranger?</p>
<p>What was that like?</p>
<p>What does an Academy Ranger do at Philmont?</p>
<p>Any cadets on here been to Philmont as an Academy Ranger?</p>
<p>What was that like?</p>
<p>What does an Academy Ranger do at Philmont?</p>
<p>I wasn’t one myself, but when I went out there as a scout last year our guide was an academy ranger. He said that he would hike in with a crew and sleep with them for a night and then that morning hike back to base camp and pick up another crew and do it again. He said he would have some days to just hang in base camp, but that he was mostly hiking, which is what he came there to do. If your (son im guessing) has the chance, do it!! It is the experience of a lifetime.</p>
<p>I participated in the USAFA Explorer club my last two years at the Academy and was a USAFA Ranger twice: 1986 and 1987 - led the program both years. I do not know if the Academy is still sending cadets to Philmont.</p>
<p>Yes, they still send them. My son is going this summer. I was just wondering what they do there as a Ranger as opposed to when he went as a scout.</p>
<p>Sorry if my last post didn’t answer your question. But a ranger will not do a complete trek like a crew of scouts will. They will follow the crew for the first two days and show them how to set up camp and the leave-no-trace stuff and then will hike out by himself to a bus or main camp and then sleep over night and then head back out with the next crew. </p>
<p>I don’t know how it works with positions, but when I went last year there were academy cadets there that didnt go hiking. They worked at the store and basecamp and stuff. Again I don’t know if they get to look in a position as ranger when they sign up, but just some more food for thought.</p>
<p>He will still be backpacking in Philmont just like he did before and will get a break from the academy for a little while!</p>
<p>I hope this helped clear things up!</p>