<p>Ah...that makes sense. It appears that they are not offering Astro 001 or Astro 003 this fall and have Jensen teaching one of the two Physics 005 sections (or are Jensen and Brown tag-teaming both of them?). Usually, one or both are of those Astro courses are offered in the fall as well as the spring. It sure looks like this arrangement was a solution to Boccio's sabbatical this fall.</p>
<p>It's the influx of astro students that account for the doubling in numbers -- from three seminar sections totalling about 36 students to two lecture sections totalling 80 students. I can't imagine that the number of Physics students in the first year class increased that much in one year.</p>
<p>The seminar format 005 was all Boccio. Three evening sessions with 12 students each per week with a well-honed syllabus and Boccio acting as a moderator and guide for students working through the problem sets as a group while stilll providing enough flexibility for the hard core physics geeks to press on with the more challenging optional problem sets. It would be very difficult to plug in another professor into that setup.</p>