<p>Looking for an LAC where I can study both physics AND philosophy in respected programs. Both are very important to me.</p>
<p>I just completed my interview for Reed, which is a top choice school for me at the moment...I am also planning on applying to Haverford, Swarthmore, and Whitman. Kalamazoo as a safety.</p>
3.8 gpa. NEVER taken a non-honors course. ALL honors or AP.<br>
Currently I spend half my day at the University of Colorado for Calculus II for engineers, and Masterpieces of American Literature.
I am a member of SAAC, photography clubs, a physics tutoring program, speech and debate. I created a service learning project for younger children.
I row on the Crew team, varsity.
35 on my ACT. 2250 on my SAT. 730 SAT II physics, 710 Math II, 730 literature. Perfect score on the english part of the ACT.</p>
<p>I am the assistant systems administrator at my highschool school. I love buidling/working on computers.</p>
<p>200 hours of community service, as a co coordinator at the local Community Food Share.</p>
<p>At the semester, I am leaving for a foreign exchange to Belgium, to perfect my french speaking.</p>
<p>I currently have a job that I've held for over 6 months. I have had previous work experiences.</p>
<p>One the teachers writing my Rec is a Swarthmore graduate, another got his PhD from MIT in physics.</p>
<p>I interview EXTREMELY well, my essay is very, very well written.</p>
<p>I plan on applying to U of Chicago as well, my grandfather went there, got a PhD in chemistry, full ride, graduated top of his class.</p>
<p>Essentially, I want to know which schools I should be applying to, besides the ones mentioned before. They don't need to be LACs, but I like the notion of a liberal arts college.</p>
<p>Thank you so much for your time, and in helping me through this stressful point in my life.</p>