<p>For those of you who have never seen the USC campus. Some photos have been posted on the Facebook USC 2013 page.</p>
<p>Can you please post a link? Thanks.</p>
<p>Some more photos of the campus have been posted taken in January.</p>
<p>Students at SC…
Do any of you have photos of interiors of buildings, especially the cinema school? Also, do any engineering students have a photo of one of the new engineering labs to post on Facebook USC Class of 2013?
Admitted students who have never seen the campus might find these helpful.</p>
<p>Beautiful photos- go look if you haven’t already!</p>
<p>I can go take some pictures if you have anything specific in mind.</p>
<p>War Chant,
Check your PM inbox. Thanks!</p>
<p>A few more photos have been added to the USC Class of 2013 photo gallery for those who may have just joined CC. You can find them on Facebook using the link posted by Roylikeswaffles.
Let me know if there are any facilities or other buildings you would enjoy viewing.</p>
<p>I love that campus it is so different from the university where I work. My son graduated in 2007, and I miss visiting it.</p>