PHYS 208 and MEEN Majors

Recommended to take this course at A&M or take over the summer at a CC. I would think EE majors would want to take the A&M version instead of CC but curious about MEEN majors.

If you don’t want to risk your GPA, then just take it at a community college, Honestly, there isn’t much wrong with taking it at a CC even if you are EE, since my step-dad took that route and graduated just fine, and has a good job (he’s an EE).

Historically, a weed-out class – my MEEN grad and my CVEN student would say CC

Don’t know about the pros and cons. My son took it at TAMU and used A+tutoring with no problems. Classes are tough and lots of work but he never experienced an intention to weed out. Students do leave but often not because they are “weeded out” but because it isn’t a good fit.

I’d CC out if you can. That being said - there’s two things:

For one, as I understand it they are making the exams easier, to boost passing rates for 25 by 25. Don’t quote me on this, but I have heard that University Physics classes are easier than they used to be.

For another - all engineering classes are going to be as hard as 208. I don’t mind ducking out of a hard class if you can, but you won’t be able to dodge them forever, so be prepared to work.

@KF7LCE That’s not quite true about all engineering classes being as hard as 208. I can’t speak for myself since I took it over the summer, but friends of mine have expressed that 208 was needlessly difficult.

I’ll cosign @TamuEngineer because I’m literally in the same situation as his step father.

@izelkay Needlessly difficult, yeah, I’d agree. It’s just an intro statics class, and IMO it was about as hard as real-deal E&M in 322.

But IMO, the difficulty is about like some of the 300s, or 200s with a tough prof. There’s a few engineering classes that are easier than 208 (eg ECEN 248), but I would say most of the classes I’ve taken are roughly on par with it.