Physical Education required for four years.

<p>Does anyone else go to a school that requires PE all four years of HS? Does anyone else HATE IT???? At my school it's graded too, and calculates into your GPA. There's a few really smart kids who are top 10% instead of top 5% in their class because of this; they're behind some kids who just take blow off/elective classes and get straight AS. Worst thing ever.</p>

<p>yep all nj schools 4 years.....and towards GPA but its not not athletic at all....we had a softball unit(my least fav. sport)....i didnt bat once in 12 days and i still got a 97....they just give random grades....i dont even know if any of them know my name or anything...</p>

<p>MA all four years
Not toward GPA</p>

<p>Good thing for me, its my lowest grade this semester :).</p>

<p>Thankfully we only have to do PE for four semesters, thankfully it does not count in the GPA they use for class rank, and thankfully I was able to get out of it by doing pit in marching band.</p>

<p>State req. in PA to take it for four years.</p>

<p>yeah we have to take it 4 years. and our teacher hates athletes too so i wind up with an A- even though im a 3 sport varsity athlete (captain of 2) while some of the most unathletic people i've ever met wind up with A+s</p>

<p>thankfully it doesnt count toward gpa so i dont care. plus this year i somehow managed to only have it once a week so it's not a big deal</p>

<p>required all 4 years in illinois too & counts for gpa. unless you're a varsity athlete, then you don't have to do it. it sucks, but you have to work the system. make friends with the gym teachers, ask them if you can be a leader for their class and then you never ever have to do anything.</p>

<p>At my school in MN we only had to take one semester freshman year.</p>

<p>Yep, NJ here, though I guessed I loved gym and I definitely wasn't an athlete, or perhaps I just cared b/c I knew that it would kill my GPA if I didn't step up, but oh well, at least that's over, but nonetheless, it was an awesome opportunity to remain social during school :D</p>

<p>i'm in illinois too but it doesn't count towards our gpa, but we do take it for 4 years unless you're a varsity athlete that is a junior or senior. the last part sucks because i was a varsity athlete my sophomore year, but i still had to take gym.</p>

<p>illinois sucks. we're required to take gym AND fireworks are illegal. i wanna move to indiana!</p>

<p>You don't have to be good at sports, you just have to give an honest effort. I like gym, gives me some time to unwind. Plus, if you look around your gym class, you will probably see how bad the obesity problem is in America.</p>

<p>trust me, the stuff that we do in gym is in no way helping the obesity problem. if anything, it's discouraging physical activity in young people because of how much people hate the activities that we do. half of the 35 minutes that we have in gym class is spent taking attendance, sitting on our asses talking to one another, and *****ing about the activity for the day. the other half is our teacher threatening us with detentions if we don't get up and do stuff. </p>

<p>i've tried to get out of gym because even though i am no longer on a varsity sport, i still exercise every single day. i run 8 miles a day, thats a hell of a lot more excercise than the nerd on the chess team (who for some reason gets out of gym because it has the word 'team' in it, which apparently qualifies chess as a sport)</p>

<p>in my gym class there are no fat people. by senior year they figure out how to get doctors notes that exempt them from gym.</p>

<p>If gym classes were interesting and fun (yoga... dance... outdoor adventure...), then I would love to be forced to take them all four years... as long as the academic classes I was taking weren't BS. </p>

<p>At my school we only have to take 2 PE classes; if you do 3 seasons of sports, then they waive one (but they don't give you a credit). They recommend highly that we take one of them in 9th grade. The other one I did was independent, because I was on the community fencing team.</p>

<p>I don't think they make any concessions for kids if they're doing sports during the semester that they have PE. I did varsity cross country the same semester that I had weight training, in 9th grade, and the teacher just told me and the other athletes that on days when we had a race/match we didn't have to work as hard in the class. Pffft. :p</p>

<p>We only have to do it for 1 semester (2 quarters) in freshman year...The other half of the year is like a health course.</p>

<p>We only had to take ONE QUARTER in GA. I'm glad we didn't have to take 4 years.</p>

<p>Everyone complains that there is an "obesity epidemic" in America, yet I don't see it here. I live in Atlanta, and most people are generally fit.</p>

<p>Is there a noticable fitness problem in other cities? I just don't see it here.</p>

<p>Hm, it's not required all 4 years at my school, but I don't think I'd have anything against having it all 4 years at my school.</p>

<p>It requires 4 years at my school, although one term is used for health. It's a stupid requiremenet, I could see 3 years, but they add on another which jeopardizes graduation if you miss a semester.</p>

<p>PE teachers at my school range from being very laid back/lethargic to being really strict, especially on grading. My teacher for this semester has a crazy, organized way of grading. Skills test count for a third of our grade, which sucks for me, because these are things I just cannot do. He says I always make excuses, but I'm just not coordinated! I can't serve a volleyball, is that a problem? It's also annoying because he's the new MUN advisor too (yeah I know, wth), and always whines and complains abot stuff for MUN that never gets done. Um, I'm just a member, I'm not even on the executive board, stop yelling at me.</p>

<p>Oy. Only five more weeks left of him as a teacher...</p>