<p>Hello. I will be taking chem6c. what do most people take with chemistry? physics or bild 3.</p>
<p>Also, if i'm considering pharmacy grad school, do we take physics first series or the third.</p>
<p>Hello. I will be taking chem6c. what do most people take with chemistry? physics or bild 3.</p>
<p>Also, if i'm considering pharmacy grad school, do we take physics first series or the third.</p>
<p>When you mean pharmacy grad school do you mean grad school in pharmacology (Ph.D.) or pharmacy school (Pharm.D.)?
Also, which physics series you take depends on your major’s requirements. If there is a choice between the 1 series or the 2 series, most people would pick the 2 series because it is supposedly much easier than the 2 series. However, if you are a Pharm Chem major like me, then you have to take the 2 series.</p>
<p>i’m a polisci major who will be doing pharmacy school requirement. what do you mean by “most people would pick the 2 series because it is supposedly much easier than the 2 series” ? you mean they would pick the 1 series? So it doesn’t matter for me to do the 1 series since my major doesn’t require it?</p>