Physics AP vs. Biology AP

<p>Hey! I'm currently a junior in high school and need to make course selections for next year. I am very interested in Engineering, particularly Biomedical,</p>

<p>Should I take Physics AP or Biology AP next year? The teacher at my school for physics isn't that great, but I hear taking this class will be helpful for college. On the other hand, Biology is supposedly a really fun class with a pretty good teacher. What should I do?</p>

<p>Both are really hard IMO but I think you should take might not like one of them and reconsider becomnig a Bioengineer. Trust me a lot of my friends thought they were gonna study Biology in college until they took AP Bio in my school which is one of the harder APs in my school.</p>

<p>Agreed, take both. It'll be better preparation for any college science classes you're planning to take.</p>

<p>Like posters above, I advise you to take both if you are interested and able.</p>

<p>However, I'll answer your question in case "both" isn't an option:
Take the class you will enjoy more. Yes, AP physics can be helpful for college, but if you spend the whole year feeling that it's boring and the teacher's no good, why not just wait and take physics in college (you'll have to do that anyway if you want to be an engineer) with a better teacher?</p>

<p>As an AP physics student, I feel physics will help me in college, but over 60% of the reason I love the class is because I have a really great teacher teacher.</p>

<p>Don't just take my advice--it's worth asking past science teachers and talking to the two teachers you will potentially have next year. It's possible you might really enjoy the physics teacher or find the biology teacher annoying. What you hear about teachers is not always accurate compared to what you think--people have different opinions.</p>

<p>Yes, take the class that you think you will enjoy most next year. After all, it is your Senior year.</p>

<p>Physics may be more useful, in case you stick with engineering but not biomedical. My son achieved 5s on both sections of the AP Phisics exam and was able to get credit for 2 out of the 3 sections of college physics that his aerospace enginneering program requires. This enabled him to start in on his core courses earlier and will give him room later for other interesting (but not required) courses. But he had an absolutlely fantastic AP teacher and really loved the subject.</p>

<p>take bio it will be more useful for you</p>

<p>Take the course with the better teacher. It makes SO much difference.</p>

<p>take ap bio. i love my class there are several labs and it is extrememly interesting.... and i know alot of my friends in phsyics really regret it.</p>