<p>I am an admitted student and plan to attend next year. I was hoping you all could answer a few questions.</p>
<p>I plan to major in physics and computer science. I want to take physics 14 sequence and calculus 16 sequence my freshman year. Does anybody know how placement works for those courses, how hard it is, and what should be known beforehand.</p>
<p>Secondly, for my computer science major, I would like to take the 16000 honors intro sequence. I would like to do so my freshman year, but it seems possible that doing so in addition to honors physics and calculus would be to much. Anyone know how hard this sequence is? If I do not take it my first year, I will make my best attempt to audit the 1500 sequence, take the core, and take the 1600 courses as a sophomore.</p>
<p>If any of y'all could help me, please do! Thank you very much!</p>