Physics or AP enviromental science.please help

<p>Ok, well in the next few days i have to submit my class schedule for next year. I am debating whether to take AP enviro or physics next year. I HAVE to take physics to graduate but I am deciding whether to take AP enviro next year and physics senior year. Or physics next year and AP enviro senior year. A factor to take into consideration is that I am not great at math so I would likely do much better senior year after I've had some more advanced math. Also, would AP junior then physics senior year look better too? Thanks for taking the time to read this and answer.</p>

<p>take physics. I spoke with my counselor and colleges look that physics was taken. Also take AP if you can!</p>

<p>So I guess physics will be my best bet for next year… thanks for the answer.</p>

<p>If you are to choose between the two of them, I say Physics. By the way, I’ve seen some students taking AP Environmental Science after self-studying them.</p>

<p>It depends. If you’re not going to major in math or science in college, find math difficult, and attend a school that provides class rank based on weighted GPA average, it might make more sense to first take AP Environmental Science. That might leave you with a better-looking transcript when you apply to college senior year.</p>

<p>However, Environmental Science is considered a soft science; you should check with your counselor about whether you can take this schedule and still qualify as having taken the “most rigorous” course load available.</p>

<p>im in the same situation as you! though i am a junior this year so im looking for next year. this year i took AP chem and wasnt the best at it so i was planning on taking AP environmental but my AP chem teacher told me no because AP environmental is almost a joke of a AP science. she said that at an AP conference college councelors look to see that the student has taken biology chem and physics. so even though my other classes are going to be hard to i think i might go with AP Physics.</p>