<p>In my school, you have to take 3 different lab sciences to graduate, i.e. Bio, Chem, and then Physics/Geosystems/Human Anatomy - so AP Chem and AP Bio only count as electives. I am taking AP Chem this year and AP Bio next year... and possibly Physics/Human Anatomy. If I do take Human Anatomy, would colleges not prefer that? Most people so far have told me to take Physics, but as it has <em>nothing</em> to do with what I'd like to major in, I'm not sure if I want to waste my last elective course on a class I'd hate. </p>
<p>What I'm most worried about is a) how it's going to affect my admissions and b) if colleges like UVA or Georgetown require you to take Physics in your freshmen year if you didn't take it in college. Any advice?</p>
<p>I think you mean "if you didn't take it in high school," right?</p>
<p>Check with potential colleges. Usually colleges don't require particular sciences unless it is part of the requirements for your major. Since you indicate you would hate physics, I tend to think that your prospective major doesn't require it.</p>
<p>I've never heard that colleges care WHICH sciences you take. Some high schools don't even have physics courses.</p>
<p>I do think your application would be a bit more balanced if you took Geosystems instead, because Human Anatomy is another biology course. The latter may go over a lot of stuff you will already have had in AP Biology.</p>
<p>I homeschooled my daughter and she wasn't that interested in regular physics either. So we did biology, chemistry, geology, and astronomy. She pretty much picked up the basics of physics in the latter two courses, but in a way that she found more interesting. Of course it depends on your Geosystems book, but I imagine it goes into the laws of motion (from planetary systems), thermodynamics, electromagnetism, etc. I actually looked into a text by that name, but decided on something else and it has been too long to remember it.</p>
<p>Just a suggestion, you may hate the idea of Geosystems as well. Feel free to disregard my unsolicited opinion!</p>
<p>Ahh, yeah, that's what I meant :) college on the brain, I guess!</p>
<p>I do know several people who are taking courses in freshmen year because they did not take them in high school - two are taking physics this year, though that may be because they're required (i.e. chem 101 is required in some colleges). I'll try to get around to emailing/calling colleges, though; just thought I'd get CC opinions first. </p>
<p>Human Anatomy does overlap with AP Bio, which is what I'm worried about :( but it does cover dissections (!!), which AP Bio doesn't, and I might major in Biology, so... </p>
<p>I would consider Geosystems, but at my school, Geosystems is the dead easy senior science course :) it looks rather bad to colleges (like UVA, William & Mary, maybe even Gtown) who are used to my county's curriculum. Thanks for the suggestion, though!</p>
<p>If it is dead easy, might you take two sciences? Too bad it is offered at an easy level, because geology is so overlooked in American education. I guess you can't go around telling people the world isn't 6,000 years old, huh?</p>
<p>It isn't necessary to call or email colleges. Go to the web sites for the distribution requirements or prospective majors. They will tell you what you need to take.</p>
<p>Do the colleges really know what the courses are like? Seems like a lot for them to keep track of.</p>
<p>My daughter took geology in high school (you will know from another board that she was homeschooled) and took it again as a college freshman. It is one of the harder beginning courses at her school but she thought it well worth it.</p>
<p>If you are interested in biology, then Human Anatomy does look good. Go with what you like. See if you like all that dissection ...</p>
<p>I really believe in doing your research but then going with your gut instincts. Don't take physics just because everybody else does! Do check out the biology majors in your prospective colleges, though -- do they require physics? Colleges talk about wanting to see a "passion" in their applicants -- if your passion is biology, then go for it!</p>
<p>Yeah, it's pretty strange how geology is so overlooked as you get older... I don't believe I've learned anything about geology since middle school, or maybe even elementary school. I guess since it doesn't relate to most people's majors/interests, most schools don't have any interesting geology courses o.o</p>
<p>In general, I don't think that adcoms care if you take all three of bio, chem and physics. If it is an AP course versus a regular course, that might make a difference.</p>
<p>If if isn't AP Physics, the course may not be very good. Physics isn't taught very well at the high school level. </p>
<p>I would take whatever you are interested in.</p>
<p>many schools recommend or even require physics in high school for students going into natural sciences or engineering. as you are said physics has nothing to do with your major, then you will probably be fine.</p>
<p>I'm not terribly fond of physics, either. It's important though, because it shows that you can apply math instead of just regurgitating it. I recommend taking AP Physics if for no other reason than to show that you can master even those concepts you're not in love with. Right now, I'm taking Art History which has less than zero to do with what I hope to major in (biochemistry). </p>
<p>Still, even though I want to study science, it doesn't give me the license to suck at the humanities, or worse, avoid them altogether.</p>
<p>I kind of have a similar question. I'm interested in schools like Georgetown/BC/University of Chicago but I'm picking courses for next year this up coming week and I'm a little uncertain. I took all regular sciences classes for each year like bio, chemistry, and physics. Next year I wanted to take Ap bio but I'm pretty sure I'm not going to get in due to the fact that it depends on how you did in ALL sciences, not just bio. So my other choices are forensics, marine bio, and environmental bio. I definitely do not want to major in science in college. I'm really interested in law. How horrible would it look to be in environmental science senior year?</p>
<p>I think if you are gonna slack in one area (like science), don't do so in other areas. Maybe if you took Calc over Stats if you are eliminating science</p>
<p>Well my school only offers for science, Ap bio, ap chem, ap physics which are extremely hard to get into, and then forensics, marine bio, and environment.</p>
<p>now for math I can't take AP calc because my grammar school didn't offer the faster math class so for next year i could either take pre-calc or AP stat so i chose Ap stat.</p>
<p>Why must you have both French and Latin? It'll look better if you can substitute in with a science. TRY to take any of the AP sciences. If you're worried about getting INTO the class then I would recommend talking to one of your science teachers that you've already had and ask for support. Do any of your previous science teachers also teach any of the APs? Talking with one of those may help you. If you absolutely can't get into any AP science then take enviro sci.</p>
<p>Math A, Math A-B, and this year Math B. All regular classes. Some kids who do not do well in my school take like Math A extended. Next year I would have to take pre-calc. some kids in my school whose grammar schools offered Math A 8th grade, are now taking pre-calc and can take AP calculus next year. </p>
<p>my science teachers have never been any of my favorites. Tomorrow I'm going to speak with the chairperson since I like bio, and because I did well in it. I'm also tutoring a freshman in it. </p>
<p>If I do take environmental science, will it look horrible?</p>