
I’m currently in my junior year, and in the midst of registration for my senior classes. The main science I was originally planning on taking is AP Bio, because I plan on either studying Biomedical Engineering or some sort of Bio-something and going pre-med. However, I was recently looking up colleges that I’m in interested in and many of them require physics, which I still haven’t taken any. I have taken a regular biology course, but no advanced courses in it (my school doesn’t have an honors and requires regular before taking ap), which makes me want to have an ap bio. The other reason I was looking at it over physics is because my school only has one teacher, who isn’t very good at preparing his students for the ap test or further physics in general, and I recognize that if I were to take that class I’d moslty be teaching myself. So I was wondering if I should: (a) ignore ap bio and the poor teacher and take physics anyway (b) take physics at the community college oover the summer or © explore physics programs for high school students from coolleges with greater credentials than a community college.

Also, if I take physics in the school year, should I look at pre–college biology programs?
