Hi guys!
I am a student at a university in Australia and am planning on doing an exchange for 1 semester in America. I will be coming in I believe its called the ‘fall semester’ (the semester that starts in september/august).
My grades are already very high and I have a graduate job offer secured already. furthermore my grades on the exchange wont effect my GPA back in Australia. I should have the grades and extra curriculars to be able to do exchange at any uni. This exchange trip will mostly just be for fun. I want to experience what the traditional American college experience. Preferrably in a college town or a city that is dominated by the college, but any recommendations for colleges in big cities would be good too.
I’m mostly interested in going to events, playing sports, going to parties, exploring the area, and making lots of friends etc. Although I don’t need academic rigour, the university still has to be well known back home, ie; flagship universities or something with a name that people will know back in Australia. I have no real geographic preference and I love all things American and would be absolutely happy to live/study in any state/region from the deep south to new england. please give me absolutely any suggestions or at least tell me about any colleges that you are familiar with or even ones to not think of. I do not know much about which colleges are fun or not other than what I’ve seen on TV.
Thanks so much for any input !!