<p><a href=“I’ve%20never%20had%20a%20study%20hall%20so%20I’m%20not%20sure%20if%20I%20will%20need%20one”>I</a>. I want to take English AP, French 5 AP, Comp Gov’t/ Humanities, and AP Bio. I have two slots left for full year classes, and the options are AP Statistics or Physiology H. I’ve always wanted to take Physio, but I’m worried that I need to take a math my senior year.*</p>
<p>Hi, my Sicilian friend… :)</p>
<p>I think you should take a study hall and this is why. At some point next year, you are going to come down with an incurable case of senioritis. Well, there is a cure…it’s called graduation.
You’ll need that study hall to catch up, regroup, or just as mental health time. </p>
<p>Not only that…but senior year is filled with a lot of non-academic distractions…the college app process, campus visits, senior trip, senior retreat, homecoming, prom, etc, etc, etc…</p>
<p>So…your senior year schedule will be…</p>
<p>AP French
AP English (Lit or Comp?)
AP Gov (which is rather easy…BTW)
AP Bio
I think you need a math class…Calculus (did you take pre-cal this year?) Or, take Statistics, if math isn’t your strong suit - but that can hurt you if you’re applying to some top elite schools).</p>
<p>How many class periods do you have? 6? 7? 8? </p>
<p>Do you have a religion class (if so, senior year religion class can be a pain if your teacher assigns a lot of essays, etc)?</p>