Picture for Application

<p>OK.. more "picture" threads...</p>

<p>Umm, I'm sending in an application for a rotary leadership camp thingy, and it asks for a snapshot. I've never sent in an application that asks for a snapshot, and I want to print it off tonight. I figure a few of you people kinda know what's going on with applications (at least more than I do). It doesn't say what type of photo, just 'please include a recent snapshot' so...</p>

<p>more info about the camp at <a href="http://www.campryla.org%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.campryla.org&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>So, which picture should I send in? It's leadership, but also 'fun'... I don't really know what would be the best picture.</p>

<p>1)<a href="http://i50.photobucket.com/albums/f308/la_blondie/rin01.jpg%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://i50.photobucket.com/albums/f308/la_blondie/rin01.jpg&lt;/a>
nice and normal</p>

<p>2)<a href="http://i50.photobucket.com/albums/f308/la_blondie/rin02.jpg%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://i50.photobucket.com/albums/f308/la_blondie/rin02.jpg&lt;/a>
nice and normal</p>

<p>3)<a href="http://i50.photobucket.com/albums/f308/la_blondie/rin03.jpg%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://i50.photobucket.com/albums/f308/la_blondie/rin03.jpg&lt;/a>
kinda weird, but... different? I kinda like it. (of course this has a good-time memory bias)</p>

<p>Martha voted: 1</p>

<p>hmmm.... I remember four pictures...</p>

<p>Oh come on. Why is the thread dead as soon as I need it?</p>

<p>I decided to take out the 4th...</p>

<p>haha i vote 2. just cuz your hair is blowing around.</p>

<p>leadership camp and snapshot?
are you sure this isn't <em>model</em> un?</p>

<p>Haha. Now which one?</p>

<p>1-- you look like you're trying too hard in the 2nd.</p>

<p>Nah, you have more personality in one.</p>

<p>1 and 2 look, well, inner-city-ish
3 is just weird</p>

<p>Hi, my name's spectrum303, and I'm just as bad as lablondie at not answering questions.</p>

<p>I'd go with 1). Very pretty.</p>

<p>I was supposed to send in a photo when I applied to TASP last year, and left the application until the last minute...so I couldn't find a non-serious photo of myself. I wound up printing out a serious photo and drawing a mustache and goatee on it in sharpie. Guess the TASP people weren't as amused by that as I was.</p>

<p>1---looks more natural</p>

<p>1 or 2. Not 3.</p>

<p>This post (my #1000) is dedicated to EAD ;)</p>

<p>OK thanks guys! 1 it is.</p>

<p>here is the answer
i see dagger in the first smile, venom in the second, death in the third
all of them have something in common, though
out, out, damned spot</p>

<p>number 1 is the best I don't know what you were going for in two or 3.</p>

<p>I pick #1</p>

<p>(10 char)</p>

<p>1 is simplistic and does not look like a modeling shot, so I would pick that one.</p>