<p>Anyone have any good pictures of the NYU "campus"...I can't seem to find a lot of them on the internet...I just want to see more pictures of the dorms, buildings, and surrounding areas...anything really</p>
<p>try street view on google maps. just type in nyu, then click street view and choose a location. It's like a virtual tour of the city.</p>
<p>yes, literally type in a street address of a NYU building or washington square and you can walk the streets and see the NYU purple flag. Google is probably the most incredible set of software I have ever experienced in 30 years of using a computer.</p>
<p>Here's a bunch. Click on each picture to reveal lots more for each area or subject.</p>
<p>Washington</a> Square Photo Gallery by Hubert Steed at pbase.com</p>
<p>wow, there are some really great shots of the NYU neighborhood on that site. It really gives you a good feel of the area.</p>
<p>HOLY CRAP!!!!!! google map is amazing!!!</p>