Pink shoes and checkered pants??

<p>Help!!!! This goes out to all people interested in tisch or currently attending tisch. I have a huge interview/audition coming up for a summer program in theater and i don't know what to wear. I wore something simple to regionals, but this is state! I have to stand out in some other way besides my fabulous acting abilities(lol). So, my question is: Pink shoes and checkered pants or one of my mom' business suits?</p>

<p>These people don't care what you wear; if you're talent isn't enough, your dress isn't going to make one ounce of a difference. Wear something simple, something you, and concentrate on producing the most amazing audition that you can.</p>

<p>oh, okay. If i cut around the snotty remarks, i think i have an answer.</p>

<p>Snooty remarks? No, you're looking a tad too deep, might want to step back a bit there. If I had a snooty attitude about your situation, I'd have not attempted to help you in the first place. If a straight forward, but truly well meaning suggestion like that rubs you the wrong way, turn around, because this definately isn't the school, or profession, for you.</p>

<p><em>boohoo</em>! Someone is being a tad bit too sensitive. I think you need to "step back"!</p>

<p>LMFAO! Wow, I'm going to bid you adieu now sweetheart. Good luck with everything.</p>

<p>haha .</p>