Pitt Direct Admit...When to Submit Deposit??

I am a direct admit to Pitt's nursing program. I am OOS and have heard they do not give much merit $ so I won't know if I want to attend until they send FA stuff back (after FAFSA is submitted in Jan). I know I won't be getting any need based aid. I have heard that to secure my spot as a nursing major, I should submit the $500 deposit ASAP, even if I'm not 100% decided on Pitt. Problem is, I'm not even 50%--I want to see how much merit aid I'll receive before I decide. And $500 is a lot of money, and nonrefundable. Should I submit it anyway? If so, when?</p>

<p>I don’t know the answer. However, maybe you can keep in touch and find out how many spots have been taken and how many are left. Double-check to make sure the deposit really is non-refundable. At my daughter’s college, half was refundable if you notified them before the May 1st deadline that you would not attend. Try to have as much of your fafsa info together early, so you can submit as early as possible.</p>

<p>Thank you. That is a good plan. Unfortunately, it really is nonrefundable.</p>

<p>For all others with the same question, I contacted Pitt admissions to ask about the academic deposit. They said the academic deposit is NOT what holds one’s spot in the nursing program. Instead, acceptance to the direct admit program means you have a spot and can’t be kicked out by someone who submitted their academic deposit earlier.
Furthermore, I was told they do not send financial aid offers until April.
Based on the net price calculator and the fact that I’m not getting federal aid, I will have to cross Pitt off my list, but I wish others luck.</p>

<p>I’m a little confused. Are you saying that you do NOT need to put down a deposit to hold your spot at Pitt, but instead you can wait until May 1? (That is the case for many nursing programs).</p>

<p>(Of course, if a student has really crossed a college off their list, they should let that college know as soon as possible to make room for others).</p>

<p>As of 3 years ago when my son applied, Pitt announced most of their merit scholarships before December. At that time, it seemed that much of the merit money was directed towards out of state students, because they figured the in-state students were already getting a reasonable tuition level.</p>

<p>Keep in mind that tuition for Pitt’s nursing program increases by a few thousand dollars in the last 2 years. The same is true for Penn State. At the same time, keep in mind that the cost of housing and the cost of living in Pittsburgh are lower than in many large cities.</p>

<p>Many colleges will give you a quicker decision for financial aid if all of your paperwork is in early.</p>

<p>$500? D. was admitted to the Nursing School on September 24. Her letter here says '"$300.00 enrollment fee postmarked on or before May 1, 2014. The enrollment fee is a combined $200 tuition/deposit/$100 PittStart fee. It is nonrefundable and nontransferable." </p>

<p>D. applied to several schools, and we won’t be sending deposits to anyone before 2014. Pitt does give out most of its merit awards between November and January. in 2010 S. received his on Dec 24.</p>

<p>PS Pitt Nursing is about $6,000 more than Arts and Sciences for OOS. The school has gotten very expensive over the past years especially for OOS students.</p>

<p>Yes, I read the enrollment fee wrong. It does in fact say $300.</p>

<p>charlieschm: Yes to your question.</p>

<p>My D who received top scholarship everywhere did not get much merit money from Pitt (OOS student) and after negotiating with them cause they still wanted her after May 1 ( Pitt didn’t get enough enrollees) would not move on merit aid. I think she got 8k) Pitt nursing is more than pitt med school for OOS students. Don’t send the money unless you are positive that is your first choice. Pitt may offer more merit to other majors, but nursing is so popular…they know they don’t have to offer as much. FWIW… D felt way too much focus on Pitt pride and research over teaching students.</p>


Interesting. Pitt often mentions how they get 1200+ freshmen applicants for nursing but last year had trouble finding 120 “enrollees”.

Wow! Pitt medical school must really be a great bargain for OOS students. How much is the med school annually?</p>

<p>The OOS undergraduate annual tuition only rates at Pitt are as follows:
General Studies (most majors): 26K
Engineering: 28.5K
Business Admin: 29.5
Nursing: 33K</p>

<p>Professional School:
Medical School: 48K</p>

<p>So Nursing is the most costly undergraduate major but is 15K less than the Medical School.</p>

<p>If Pitt was still offering Nursing admission after May 1 to one student logic would seem to dictate that as of that date they still had at least one space available they wanted to fill. I would also assume that they would be trying to get the most highly qualified applicants to fill up any remaining slots, but based upon the large number of total applicants I would assume they did eventually fill up their spaces (unless they had minimal cutoff criteria for Nursing admission that was not met by remaining available applicants). Just my perspective.</p>


Yes…logic would seem to dictate the above if Pitt still had one space…for whatever reason. Of course logic would also dictate that Medical School would cost more than an undergraduate program at the same university. Clearly when you are on a message board you have to carefully pick and choose the accuracy of information that is posted.</p>

<p>For anyone who is seeking a more affordable alternative for nursing school, I’d recommend York College in York PA., where my daughter attends. It is a private college with tuition of $18K, and they provide substantial merit aid. The tuition for nursing increases by another $1,400 for the last 2 years. They have excellent nursing education facilities, and are right across the street from a 700 bed hospital.</p>

<p>However, you need to apply soon - their nursing seats fill up within a couple months.</p>

<p><a href=“https://oafa.pitt.edu/costs/[/url]”>https://oafa.pitt.edu/costs/&lt;/a&gt;
Here is your cost breakdown by school.
I could not find a link to medical school cost using my phone. Instead of discounting all of my information, look it up for yourself. To be contacted by 2 separate nursing faculty looking for ONE spot supposedly, as suggested above, in my opinion, speaks to the fact there was more than ONE space. Think what you want. Pitt nursing is not THE only nursing school which will get you there. Best of luck to you.</p>

<p>Duplicate post</p>


Credibility is like virginity. Once you lose it, you can never get it back</p>

<p>aglages “doth protest too much”</p>

<p>OP, you have a direct admit, so you have a spot there. Though I agree that the chances of a substantial aid package are not good as you are OOS, and the cost is high, you can still hang in there and see for sure. Just look for other alternatives. What about your home state?</p>