Pitt Honors Discussion 2025

I also get an error when I click on the document. I think I remember getting the same error on the scholarship document when I first got it, but it opens now

I’m wondering about that. Our only honor students eligible for that award? Does anyone know the criteria?

Accepted to Honors! Had no idea it was out until I checked this board. She decided to apply last minute so very exciting! We did not send mid years since they were not requested. Keep me posted if people decide to do honors dorm. From what I have heard it is farther from campus so we were not thinking she would live there.

huh, thats pretty strange. did you just check again after a couple days and it worked? I think thats what im gonna do before emailing for help

I don’t know when the scholarship document started working because I only tried it again today when I looked for the honors document since scholarship information also appears elsewhere (for reference, the scholarship document appeared jan 12). The honors document still doesn’t open for me so I’m also going to wait a few days before emailing them

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Hi everyone. Had a couple questions after being accepted to Pitt Honors.

  1. Is there any additional scholarships that come along with Honors? (other than Chancellor’s that is)
  2. Does anyone know when or if Chancellor’s decisions have come out?
  3. Is there a difference between just being accepted to the Honors Program and being accepted to the Honors-Joint Degree program?

I don’t know the first two however the last one is no

Any available data on admitted students versus waitlisted? Thanks!

Edited because what I said before was wrong, see below comments!

The joint part is the honors. Your degree will have an honors designation. For example my son got into honors and applied for Biology so his degree will be Biology/Honors.

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If you complete the honors program it is a joint degree (https://www.honorscollege.pitt.edu/H-degree)

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Oh, I see. Thanks for clarifying that!

400 admitted out of 7000, 250 WL. got this info off reddit, idk how accurate it is


My son is definitely interested in the Honors dorm- I think it’s the factor tipping him toward saying yes to Pitt. He is excited about much of what Pitt has to offer but the sheer size is a little daunting(the only school of this size to which he applied);I sense that he feels the dorm will make it more likely to meet people with whom he may connect as he has never been a particularly “social” kid.
I would love to hear from anyone else who has or knows someone with first hand experience

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D is also not keen in staying at Sutherland Hall (Honors dorm) as it is in upper campus away from all the action. Trying to figure out pros and cons.

Hey! I live in Pittsburgh, my parents teach at Pitt, and I can answer most university questions.

Sutherland is considered the nicest dorm (it’s also the athlete dorm) and AFAIK it has the best food (and private bathrooms). Sutherland is close to the Pete (which means close to the student gyms at Baierl and Trees Hall and the IM fields if he wants to play IM/club sports), but it’s also on top of the large hill overlooking the campus. That might be a rough walk in icy or rainy weather, but there are shuttles and the like. Sutherland is also somewhat far away from Hillman (the library), but the dorm itself is nice enough to study at.

Other things: as I mentioned, Sutherland’s internal food is good, but it’s not too close to Forbes and 5th comparatively (10-20min walk) so if your son/daughter wants Pamela’s or something else they’ll have to get moving. It is close-ish to Chevron and the Engineering school, so if s/he is interested in science/pre-med/engineering the location won’t impede him from getting to class easily (and there are lots of shuttles for the other classes when it’s nasty out). Sutherland is also a decent walk from the parks, Schenley Quad, or Flagstaff, but there are green spaces closer to the dorm on the hill. My father (who is high up in an academic department) says the Honors community is somewhat strong, but that he recommends the Honors College more for access to funding than anything. Finally, Sutherland is close to some Pitt frats and sororities (the ugly building ones) but far from others. Additionally, it’s super far from South O. Therefore, if your kid is gonna want to party, that might be harder in Sutherland (not sure about Sutherland’s own party scene). I’m also not sure about how rushing works at Pitt, so if your kid plans to do so they should figure out how Sutherland might affect that.

My friends who were Honors have mixed experiences: some chose to avoid the dorm entirely and stay on lower campus in the Towers, and some loved Sutherland and the Honors community. If your son/daughter hasn’t visited, that will help immensely with choosing. You don’t even need building access - just come see the scale of the campus and see what they think about shuttle service and the amount of walking. And he shouldn’t worry about making friends - kids here are exceedingly nice, and during “Arrival Survival” it’s easy to start a conversation.

@MDmom2021 @2021_Yay_College


My daughter still has not heard either way. No emails, nothing in her portal. Are there any other science majors (chemistry) who are still waiting? Two guys she knows have been accepted and are political science & English majors
her theory is that slots for humanities majors have been filled. :rofl: Who knows?! Waiting is hard, just had to vent.

Our family walked around campus last Friday and were very pleased. Nothing seemed like too a far walk, at least compared to where my husband and I went (UVM). Sutherland is in the upper area, lots of stairs. We liked how it was near a lot of the science buildings and the Petersen Events Ctr, which has a large exercise facility.

I should’ve stayed more on top of this forum lol - just looked and got into honors college as a poli sci major.

I haven’t been able to get down to Pittsburgh (it was that or Boston this summer and Boston was doing better covid wise) so we’re heading down over spring break

My son is an engineering major and knows that he was accepted to honors.

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This is very helpful information, thank you. We’re from Texas, and trying to figure out how to squeeze a visit in.