Pitt Honors Discussion and Results 2022, Class of 2026

Is the honors presentation something you need to sign up for at the admitted student day? We are doing in a few weeks, and he signed up for Engineering, but I don’t know if there was honors or not.

No - it is just on the agenda and you can make the decision to attend that day.


I believe there are many separate entities at work here. My D22 is a Stamps Finalist who was waitlisted for Honors! Some have merit but not honors. Some honors with no merit. But to be considered for Chancellor’s Scholarship, you must be in Honors. Stamps and Nordenberg certainly consider scholarship, but also leadership and global/domestic/civil interests, innovation, perseverance. I believe Honors is more academically focused to be selected for it. And the honors essay is super important.


Has anybody not received a letter one way or another?

Thank you. I’m glad he didn’t miss signing up.

D22 is accepted to Pitt, but has a letter in her portal (document center) rejecting her from honors :frowning:

For those asking, if your son/daughter hasn’t received a merit offer, don’t give up hope. Pitt does offer some people merit at the time of acceptance, but I read somewhere that awards could show up in the portal on March 1–today. So keep a look out. Honors decisions are not tied to merit (with the exception of the Chancellor’s scholarship).


Sorry to hear that, but thanks for the reply. My kid still has nothing in their portal either way.

@debmom5 - maybe you are already doing this, but are you in the document center and not the dashboard?

@debmom5 If you don’t see anything in the document center (as @HeresHoping2022 mentioned, make sure you’re in doc cntr not the dashboard - confusing!) I recommend the online chat portal with an admissions rep. I just did it to ask if there was any chance for another review/wait list/etc and it was an easy way to communicate. I did also try to do an online chat this morning and there was no one available, but it worked this afternoon.

Yes, I am. The acceptance and scholarship letters are there but nothing about honors. Thanks!

I called and emailed but haven’t received a clear answer yet. Maybe I will try that. Thanks!

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Hi! Congrats to everyone who got into Pitt Honors! I was also admitted, but I also was admittted to the joint degree program. Does anyone know what this is? I tried googling it but even the Pitt honors website was confusing and unclear. Thanks in advance:)

my daughter didn’t get any merit either so I called admissions just now to inquire about appealing. They said the last of the letters are going out today. The financial aid award that already came is separate from the merit award letters…so there’s still hope!


stop saying that ;)! about the essay lol! my D22 keeps insisting hers was not her best work, was relieved that she got honors but now is worried it’ll hold her up for Chancellor (her stats, both numerical and holistic are good though) &&&&&


I read somewhere that Pitt keeps giving $ till they run out? so you would think as students ‘reject’ acceptance, $$ would free up?

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I believe it means that instead of receiving a BA from the Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences you would receive a BA from the Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences and the Pitt Honors College. It’s one degree, jointly awarded by both. And then it also says honors on the diploma.

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Rooting for her!

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I’m curious has anyone received an actual email with honor decisions! lol! Pitt just assumes we will all know to check our portal (or our kids portals ;))

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Guess true to ‘no hand holding’ right from the start ;)!

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