I'm trying to add my middle school courses (ones that are for HS credit), but it is only letting me list courses for just the 2015-2016 (8th grade) year but I have 7th grade courses that I need to report also. What do I do?
I'm trying to add my band classes, should I put them under fine arts or music?
Would economics courses go under "other subject area?"
It would be best if you reached out to your territory manager so they can walk you through this process. I’m not sure what you’re seeing on your screen but you should be able to select 2014-2015 for your 7th-grade year. I recommend putting your band classes under music, and yes, you can put economics under “other subject area” if there is no subject to match. You can update your SRAR once you submit but it is helpful to let your Territory Manager of any changes as well. https://oafa.pitt.edu/esm_directory.php
I submitted my SRAR, and I’m viewing it again now. On this submitted pdf version, I see that my middle school courses are all under the year 2016 (the year I ended 8th grade), not divided up by school year (7th grade, 8th grade, etc).
Essentially, the problem of my courses being in the wrong year (I put all of my middle school classes under 2015-2016 because that was the only option I had) that I was having before isn’t being shown on this submitted version. Does this mean that I’m good to leave my SRAR as is? And will this have any effect on my final acceptance into Pitt (because I know that you match the transcript with the SRAR later on).