Pitzer Graduate School Placement?

I don’t see anything on the Pitzer website about Pitzer’s PhD production or graduate school placement. Am I missing it? I also don’t see Pitzer’s name on lists of “top 50” colleges that produce PhDs, so I’m inferring that relatively fewer people go on to graduate school from Pitzer than from many other liberal arts colleges that pride themselves on attracting students who think outside the pre-professional box (Bates, Beloit, Carleton, Grinnell, Kalamazoo, Lawrence, Macalester, Oberlin, Occidental, Reed, Swarthmore, Vassar, Whitman etc.) But for all I know, Pitzer could be the 51st highest ranked college in terms of PhD production. Anybody got any info? I’m especially interested in psychology and other social sciences.


Source: http://www.pitzer.edu/offices/career_services/parent/

Twenty-two to twenty-five percent of our graduating classes have entered graduate or professional programs immediately after graduation. An additional 40 to 45% of Pitzer alumni plan to ultimately pursue graduate or professional studies.

Pitzer alumni pursue graduate study in numerous fields in institutions around the country and world. Some of these institutions include:

California Institute of Technology
Columbia Medical School
CGU Drucker School of Management
Duke University
George Washington University
Harvard University
John Hopkins
Kent College of Law
London School of Economics
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Princeton University
Oxford University
University of Chicago
U.C. Berkeley
U.C. Irvine
U.C. Los Angeles
San Francisco School of Law
Yale University