place to stay during SOAR

<p>Hey guys, I'm coming for international SOAR from 22nd of August to 1st of September, and I will arrive in Madison on 19th. so i'm looking for a place to stay before & during SOAR. Actually I can move into my accomendation on 27th of August, but before this date, is there any good place to live around the campus?
Any suggestions would be so appreciated.
Thanks in advance.</p>

<p>I believe they have international SOAR at the end of the summer so that they can accommmodate the students in their res halls and they don’t have to make two expensive trips. I would contact the SOAR office and inquire about that.</p>

<p>Also if that’s not the case, students often stay at Liz Waters residence hall during their session for a small fee. As far as you coming early, you will likely have to find your own housing. The Union South, where SOAR is located, has hotel rooms you could be able to stay in. [About</a> - Wisconsin Union](<a href=“]About”></p>

<p>Once again I would say contact the SOAR office for details on post-SOAR housing though!</p>

<p>Ditto on the above.</p>