places to get essays checked?

my english teacher is barely allowed to read over and check them? where can i get a professional proof reader?

<p>honsestly do not do it here i would say unless ur real desperate cuz anyone can plagaraise and most of these ppl including myself are kids. i think most of all go to your parents. they know u best, understand what u wanna say, and are genearlly very wise. next go to past english teachers if ur allowed. if not then try giving it to a honset friend whos very smart. but ur bvest bet besides parents is ur english teacher i know u cant get this one but try ot find another one cuz they were educated in gramatics</p>

<p>Why cant your teacher look at it?</p>

<p>teachers arent really allowed to proofread it, i mean they'll read it and say whether they like it but they said anything more is against the honor code</p>