Placing out of intro classes without AP credit?

<p>How does being an OOS student factor into your decision to redo material you’ve already learned?</p>

<p>I’m really confused as to why Dr, Sharpe is offering that advice. You’re not going to make as many strong connections with people in a 200-person class introductory class as you would in a 40 person advanced class.</p>

<p>Provided one knows about the topics discussed in the introductory classes, employers and grad schools will look more favorably on a student taking extra upper division or graduate courses compared to retaking the introductory versions.</p>

<p>The students who have the most difficulty adjusting to life at UA are those from other parts of the state or region who have lots of friends at other schools, especially if said schools are closer to their home.</p>

<p>I’m scratching my head trying to figure out what being OOS has to do with taking classes one already has credit for.
To me, the worst case scenario is not having a review, but foregoing another class that interests you because you’re taking something you’ve already mastered.</p>

<p>My D used all of her AP and CLEP credit and has no regrets. She did very well in upper level courses where she used AP credit to skip the lower level course. I do think you should consider the strength of your AP course and teacher, though, as well as your AP test score. Even though UA might give credit for a 3, you may not want to use that credit in a subject where you will be pursuing higher level courses (eg., Calc 1 if you’re taking the rest of the Calc series).</p>