<p>Hello Pre-Med CC,</p>
<p>I have been a reader of these forums from the day I started my college search until today when I finally decided to register. I am currently a first year student at the University of Wisconsin majoring in Biology with a minor in English, and I am doing better than I could have ever hoped for coming out of high school. I have come to set realistic goals for myself, the very best of which would include attending a medical school of some form.</p>
<p>While I feel that I can achieve this goal I am also taking into account the fact that it might not become a reality (After all 50% of students who apply to multiple med schools get rejected from all of them). I'm not being a defeatist or a pessimist, I am simply giving myself multiple roads in case one does not become passable. I assume that everyone on this board has at one point or another thought about what they would do if this happened. With this in mind I feel that it should be a healthy or normal process to come up with a reliable fall back.</p>
<p>So, what are your back ups? Try not to think of it in a negative way, at the very least you can consider it a "fallback brainstorm". </p>
<p>I for one am keeping the option of Law School open. Its nearly as appealing to me as medicine and I could still help people (Albeit in a different way). I have also been playing around with the idea of trying to become an FBI Agent, which is quite a difficult process.</p>
<p>I would love to hear your ideas and alternate ambitions.</p>