Planned courses for UC App


<p>I'm trying to fill out the UC application, but I'm having trouble with something. They want you to state the courses you plan to take for the Spring semester. I already wrote down all the prerequisite classes I know I have to take as planned, however, there is one more class that I have to take to complete the IGETC. I don't know exactly which class I want to take to complete this. So if I write down a class as planned, but don't take it, is that bad?</p>

<p>You just have to submit a letter to each school that you applied to stating that you chose to take a different course. Its not big deal as long as the class is fulfilling the same req. I mean, just because you decided to take art 100 over music 100 and you're a business major, it really doesn't matter. But they want your application to match your final transcripts. Now if you didn't notify the ucs of the course change, that'll hurt your chances tremendously.</p>

<p>Thanks alot, JPNguyen. Do you know though how we go about notifying the UC's?</p>

<p>Yeah I just an e-mail back. I had to change my planned courses also.</p>

<p>Send a letter to:
UC Undergraduate Application Processing Service
PO Box 4010
Concord, CA 94524</p>

<p>Include your application id, full name, and date of birth. Also, dont' forget to include what changes you'd like to make.</p>

<p>so, does the same go for if you decide to take one course earlier than another? (like planning to take it in winter but end up taking it in spring, or vice versa)</p>

<p>yeah. basically, anything you want to change on your application.</p>

<p>wait thats just the address to one place. but didnt u you say you had to send a letter to each school?</p>

<p>basically the mistake i made when i turned in my application is that i put the wrong grade on the wrong class, it needs to be swapped vice versa with another mis matched class,</p>

<p>when i do send in the letter will i see proof of the change?</p>

<p>yah my question is like jasonp's. . so imma bump it =p</p>

<p>jasonp & super nova: I thought so too but here's the e-mail I got back from UC.</p>

<p>Begin Quote

<p>If you need to send corrections after you have submitted your
application, you may send the information directly to the campus(es) to
which you've applied, or send a letter to the Application Processing
Service by mail, fax, or email. Include your complete name, application
ID number (if available, it appears on the acknowledgment letter), date
of birth, and the new information to be included in your application.
(Write to: UC Undergraduate Application Processing Service, P.O. Box
4010, Concord, CA 94524-4010.)</p>

<p>Thank you,</p>

<p>Bruce Alderman</p>

<p>University of California</p>

<p>Undergraduate Application Processing</p>

<p>P.O. Box 4010</p>

<p>Concord, CA. 94524-4010</p>

<p>Tel: (800) 523-2048 (toll-free in CA)</p>

<p>(925) 808-2181 (outside CA)</p>

<p>Fax: (925) 808-2119</p>

<p>End Quote</p>

<p>thanks :)
who at the uc did you contact, what is the email you used?</p>

<p>After i submitted my application, I got a notification letter via e-mail. There was a list of contacts but I'll have to go back through my e-mail to find the specific e-mail.</p>