It’s time to choose the AP course for my next year, which I’m going to be in 11th grade. Currently, the choices for me are: AP Chemistry and AP Statistics. I am good at chemistry, but I don’t really see it’s usefulness in CS, and I think statistics is more useful?
The point I’m wondering is that does college care if I take statistics at 11th grade or 12th grade? Because they can’t see my score for statistics when I send out my application, so would this make me less competitive compare to someone who has already taken statistics?
Colleges won’t care either way on any of this - they will see a STEM AP and see enough.
In terms of usefulness, statistics may be slightly more useful, but you will probably end up taking calculus based statistics in college. Additionally, there are plenty of Chemistry based CS projects - having the background knowledge in physical sciences can even be helpful in some cases.
Personally, I would pick what you prefer personally, regardless of CS. Neither will make any sort of big difference - the only tangible difference to a college would be if you took neither.
Thank you for your reply. Can you explain what you mean by a STEM AP?
STEM = Science, Technology, Engineering and Math - you’ll probably hear a lot more of it through the college process.
Some (usually engineering-based) CS major degree programs require non-CS science, sometimes specifically chemistry (as well as physics). AP chemistry may or may not be allowed to fulfill such a requirement. Non-engineering-based CS major degree programs often do not require any non-CS science.
AP statistics is not calculus-based, so it is very unlikely to be accepted to fulfill any statistics requirement that a CS major degree program may have (a statistics requirement, or option to fulfill requirements, is likely to be for calculus-based statistics).
So, does this mean that AP stats would most likely not going to weave the credit? Also, subjects such as chemistry would be required in college even for CS majors, but there’s a high chance that AP Chem can weave the credit?
You need to look at the requirements for any schools of interest. Some require chemistry (or allow it as an option, at least), while some don’t. For the ones that do require it or allow it as a science option, how many classes you have to take will depend on the program. You won’t know without checking the requirements at a specific school.
Usually if AP Chem counts towards anything, it’s the first semester/quarter of general chemistry. You may need more than that, or you may not. Likewise, you may get credit for the AP exam depending on your score, or you may not. It all depends on the school.
AP Statistics generally won’t count towards CS statistics requirements, because usually the required statistics class(es) is/are calculus-based. I wouldn’t be particularly surprised if there were some schools that did let AP Stats count for their CS statistics requirements, but I also wouldn’t assume that to be the case without checking first. That said, having a basic knowledge of statistics is helpful if you take any additional statistics classes. Just don’t expect AP Stats to waive your statistics requirement.