Planning for Move-In, August 2013

<p>ddahwan: You will have to come over to the Hampton Inn to greet us!</p>

<p>Will greed you with Cuban coffee and pastelitos!</p>

<p>Whatever you do, plan lunch at Moon across from the U. Incredible Thai/Japanese, etc.
food. Pack your kids an umbrella. Will need it. depending on where you are in the Grove, it can be very, very loud at night, as in bring earplugs to sleep!! (And we were on a top back floor. Make sure to tell them you want to be high up and away from the street. Helps a bit.) Fun location though. </p>

Contact me via FB for a lunch date. I can give you lots of info and suggestions.
From LINYMOM2 :)</p>

<p>FYI- Reception with Pres DS was great. Don’t miss it. (We brought 16 yo son to it with us and that was fine. Met really nice parents. </p>

<p>We did not see need for any other events. (Husband went to some at Singer weekend.) </p>

<p>Best item I purchased (at BB and B and also at Stop and Shop, etc.) the hanging sweater tack. Used it for shorts for my son. The one dresser is small. Closet is huge.</p>

<p>@MiniSota that is so funny because I always think Darling too in my head!! I guess Dear is probably correct. What will your DD be studying? Is she thinking PRISM? I think you get accepted into Honors as a freshman but can apply in later years? I might be mistaken! </p>

<p>@NYSaxMom plays beautiful music and is cute…your son sounds great! My D wants to minor in music composition, so maybe their paths will cross?</p>

<p>I too am really excited for her going to Miami, not only because she will join her brother, but also because it extends our time to visit there by two years!! LOL!!</p>

<p>@crazed I second the Thai Moon suggestion.</p>

<p>@MiniSota, You get invited to join Honors as a incoming freshman based on certain criteria (ACT, SAT, class rank). You can also apply as a soph. as long as you have less then 60 credits and greater than a 3.5 gpa. As an honors student you get to take (and must take) 24 Honors credits, so that’s typically 1 course per semester for all 4 years. You must maintain a 3.5 average and then you child will graduate with “General Honors” on their diploma. In addition many Departments have Departmental Honors and if you meet their requirements you can graduate with “Departmental Honors” on their diploma.
more info here [Entrance</a> Requirements | University of Miami](<a href=“]Entrance”></p>

<p>@crazed if you are in our geographical area will meet you and LINYMOM.
LINYMOM and did meet locally. It’s good to know we have “neighbors” in the same boat.
So at the moving in week do we all wear stickers with “CC groupies” on our chests???</p>

<p>…by the way am I allowed to post on this thread as I am one of those DH’s ??? My Dear Wife (don’t see that too often on CC) is a Luddite preferring hand written letters over electronics. In any case we are booked at Hampton for move in and a very expensive posh place for Family weekend (long story)…</p>

<p>I guess I will need more pastelitos.</p>

<p>Yes please! the cheese ones please</p>

<p>Thai Moon looks great! </p>

<p>Crazed, send me a pm. I don’t remember where you are. We can get debra19 also. She lives near me too, although we haven’t gotten together yet.</p>

<p>@ddahwan - Ha - yes! “Dear” makes more sense - not sure where I got the “Darling”… but @Arborvitae - glad to hear I wasn’t the only one :slight_smile: My DD is planning PreMed with majors in Math and Exercise Physiology. How about yours? DD was invited to participate in the Honors program, but I wasn’t clear if she had to “accept” or not. She was also invited to PRISM, and while she hasn’t decided for sure - I don’t think she’s leaning that way.</p>

<p>@Biocellar - thanks for the link - it says “On receipt of an invitation, there is no further action required on the part of the student.” - so it looks like she just registers for classes in the fall.</p>

<p>We just booked our flights/hotel for August as well. We’re staying in the Sonesta Hotel in Coconut Grove - haven’t seen much about it - hopefully it’s okay? Has anybody stayed there before?</p>

<p>Mini: when are you arriving and when are you leaving? I can’t decide how long to stay…</p>

<p>We are arriving on Sunday (Aug 18) - we’re planning to buy what we can down there, so we don’t have to ship anything - this will give us a couple of days to shop… DH and I will come home on Saturday (Aug 24). We really had no idea how long to stay - but found decent airfare, so wanted to get it booked. Hopefully this will be enough time to get her settled - but not too much ;)</p>

<p>Hi Mini, my D is also premed, in the HPME program. She opted not to doPRISM too. She is working on finding a roommate: fun fun fun! I want to be in college again!</p>

<p>How do you all know each other? Are you from the same state?</p>

<p>@mini My DD is also premed in the HPME program. She has also opted not to do PRISM. She is doing the roommate search. What a fun time to be in college!!</p>

<p>MiniSota the Sonesta is a very nice hotel. Actually I have my DS volunteer’s lunch there next week. It is walking distance to Cocowalk and the bay. It is also close to the Hampton Inn ( less than 2-3 min by car; you can walk too but in August is better to drive 2 min than walk 15). The Sonesta has a great Peruvian restaurant inside the hotel, in case you care for Peruvian food or feel adventurous.</p>

<p>Ddahwan- Ready to meet for lunch/dinner with you too. Let’s get a LI group going. Suffolk Cty Mom here of 2011 grad of UM Miss the U. Who is from Dix Hills?</p>

<p>Sonesta was really nice. Messed up part of our graduation rooms so they gave us a suite. Very nice. If you go with kids, this is a nice choice as the room has a full kitchen, washer drier, 2 baths and separate BR for the adults! (Still noisy though!!) Easy walking distance to all coconut Grove restaurants which was ideal for graduation traveling with my Mom. Great restaurant next to the Sonesta by the way!!!</p>

<p>Fave hotel was Hyatt in Coral Gables. Had a suite there first time dropping son and stayed there often afterwards. Great pool. More of a lounging hotel than Sonesta. Always other Canes parents around, especially in the pool on orientation weekend. </p>

<p>FYI- parking at hotels when you are going in and out so often can get costly (read tips). Both hotels and likely others have stairway to parking so you can just get your car yourself to leave. </p>

<p>Flying down- Use BB and Beyond. Start collecting BBB coupons. I have tons if anyone (LI) need them. Expiration dates don’t matter and you can use as many coupons as you have. Pick items here. bagged and ready for p/u at Dadeland Mall by campus. Go through it all before you check out. can by sundries there as well. TV, printer, wait a week or so and by on Amazon or similar and have it shipped. Ship boxes down by UPS and they can “hold” them for pick up at the UPS store across from campus for a reasonable fee. Easy but if you shop a lot, make sure to rent an SUV or similar so you have room. Fortunately it’s close to campus.</p>

<p>Fine dining- Can get a you a more extensive list, but we liked Christies (American) for dinner and Otanique for lunch/dinner. My husband and son can give me the other places we liked if you want them.</p>

<p>Great info crazed…from another Suffolk County mom of “about to be Cane”</p>