<p>Hey guys,</p>
<p>I'm taking Physics and Math II this October. I'm currently a student of the IB , and I take Math HL and Physics HL . Physics HL I always get a 7, but math I'm a bit inconsistent, I get from 5-7.</p>
<p>For Physics I got Princeton , which is said to be the best book, while for math I got the Barron's one.</p>
<p>Where I live the books are hard to come by , so I'd like to know if I made a mistake only picking Barron's? Should I also get the PR Math book, or is Barron's enough. I need a book which helps me review the content as well as gives me some tests to practice</p>
<p>Please help</p>
<p>Thanks and Regards</p>
<p>Sup. I’m pretty much you: taking math II and physics and got same books. Looks like your doing everything right (or everything like me). Doing math in January and physics whenever I feel like it
I’m a junior.</p>
<p>Though I dropped IB due to poor STEM at my ib school so I guess we’re not the same person ;)</p>
<p>Had you’ve Taken ap physics b? SAT physics covers similar topics. I think hl physics also does (since IB also does non calculus physics lol.) I’m using PR review too. Remember that missing like 12 is still an 800. My plan, being a ap physics c guy (which is too advanced" for sat physics) is to just go through PR sat physics quickly. Basically its a review from my physics b. </p>
<p>You should find sat physics to be easy but I honestly don’t know how familiar you are with physics and how ib physics is (I think it’s just a lot of topics I hear) for prep.</p>
<p>Now to answer your question: Barron’s itself is overkill if your DECENT at math. I’m guessing your at least decent since your in hl math. Sat math II is mainly a precalculus test. Barron reviews material good and GIVES SEVEN FUPPING TESTS! Also it’s harder than real thing. </p>
<p>I got a ****ty score admittedly in diagnostic test but already feel confident for an 800 in just 3 weeks. I’ve just been doing some stuff every weekend for math. </p>
<p>Since your an IB student your probably pretty busy too so just do a little sat math on weekends. Its quite painless :)</p>
<p>Also I hadn’t personally looked into it but I think both of us would benefit from the blue book or more practice more similar to real thing.
Good luck on tests!</p>
<p>Thanks for the response man</p>
<p>My university choices are USC , UCLA , UCB , CMU , UrbanaChampaign, Michigan , and Penn</p>
<p>My SAT score is 2140 (I know it’s a bit low , but math is 760)</p>
<p>IB I’m doing pretty well right now</p>
<p>Wish me luck</p>