<p>GCE O levels : 8As
GCE A levels : 3As (Economics, Business Studies and Maths)</p>
<p>SAT - 1: Critical reading 670 , Maths 750 , Writing 610
SAT Subject tests: Maths 2C - 800 , Physics - 770 , Chemistry - 760</p>
<p>Violin - 1 yr junior level course
Quiz - Interclass champion in grade 9,10. National semifinalist.
Jobs - Executive contributor to a national daily supplement for 1 yr
Writing - Write poems . <www.splintersofmydream.blogspot.com>
I am also thinking abt doing some voluntary work (community service) to boost my ECA profile.</www.splintersofmydream.blogspot.com></p>
<p>Financial status:
Maximum annual contribution will not be more than $3000.</p>
<p>I am really in need of a big scholarship. Any suggestions, advice, is very much welcome...</p>