please can anyone answer my question about application pools

Can anyone answer my question about application pools?

I heard that Colleges have 4 categories and that each pool is examined separately.

Americans in American high schools
Americans abroad in English speaking schools or bilingual (private)
International students in any type of school (not US citizens)
Americans who go to only to their local schools abroad and have never had a chance to study in an English speaking or international school.

Is this true? Does it vary by school? How can I find out? Is it okay to telephone the schools?

signed still clueless and hoping for an answer, thanks

<p>Feel free to call the schools. International admissions is a tricky business and varies from school to school.</p>

<p>The only thing "for sure" about international admissions is that international students are admitted at a far, far lower percentage rate than non-international ones. The USNWR reported admissions rates, therefore, do not apply to nationals.</p>

<p>I have never heard of you different pools - in all my many decades of experience it has only been divided into national/international, but I agree with the above and say call the school you are interested in.</p>

<p>Yes, we were told about the four pools by a Brown admissions counselor, but they just may be the exception. thanks</p>