Please chance me for Princeton, UPenn, UVA, Dartmouth & others

<p>...Tufts, Yale, UCLA Berkeley, Stanford, & Brown as well</p>

<p>Apparently, Princeton & Stanford don't look at freshman grades..if so, my UW GPA would be a 3.85.</p>

<p>I'm a white, junior female from CT at a public school that sends some to top schools.</p>

<p>UW GPA: 3.70 (Upward trend)
Freshman: 3.4 (2/5 H's taken.. Should I have my GC explain what was going on in my life? I had lost my group of friends that I'd been with since elementary school, my brother, who I'm very close to had left for college, I was verbally abused by former "friends" almost daily, many issues with my divorced parents)
Sophomore: 3.71 (All H's..School only allows AP's starting in junior yr)
Junior: 4.0 (4 AP's, 2 H's)
W GPA: 4.43
Rank: 12/500 – Top 3% (This is an estimate...I'm not exactly sure about the total # of students in my class, as well as my ranking, but this should be pretty close.)</p>

<p>SAT I: 2340 M: 760 CR: 800 W: 780
SAT II: Bio: 800 Lit: 780 Spanish: 800
AP’s: Lang: 5 U.S: 5 Chemistry: 5 Psych: 5 Enviro: 5 (self-studied)</p>

<p>Writing: Editor-in-chief of nationally-recognized literary & arts magazine (member for 3 years), Regular contributor to local magazine & school newspaper, Published works in various publications, Attended UVA Young Writers Workshop
Awards: 4 regional & 3 national</p>

<p>Environment: President of environmental club (member for 4 years), Intern with city’s waste department, Spearheaded compost pilot program & organic garden at my school which served as a model for all public schools in my city, Work on an ongoing city recycling campaign – recycling rate increased by 15%, Teach elementary & middle school students how to compost and garden
Awards: 1 national & 2 locally</p>

Music: Founder & President of a club in which musically-talented students organize a benefit & perform, raising money for a local, worthy cause. We also perform at senior centers, nursing homes & hospitals on a monthly basis...I sing and play the guitar (founded this year)</p>

<p>Photography: Run a photography blog (started last summer)
Awards: 1 national & 2 regional</p>

<p>Theater: Lead role in performance directed by senior @ my school, Lead role in performance at my state drama association competition (I started doing theater when I was 6, stopped when my parents divorced & went back to it this year)
Awards: “Best Actor” at state competition, 2nd place at state competition </p>

<p>Volunteerism: I also have worked with a special needs child since my sophomore year & will continue to do so through my senior year. (About 100 hrs so far)</p>

Found an unpaid internship myself at a t.v production company (9)
Took Algebra II (10)
Self-studied Chemistry (10)
Lots of traveling
Work with my city's waste department (10 + 11)
Work on my school composting project (10)
Babysitting (9, 10, 11)
Waitressing (11)
Will be attending UVA Young Writers Workshop (11)
Will be going to Israel for 1 month (11)
Lots of reading and writing
Practice guitar
International travel with family (Since I was little)</p>

<p>I know that my EC's may seem a bit scattered, but I'm very passionate about them all.</p>

<p>Thank you!</p>

<p>Some of the EC seem random/ not important(while some are really good / amazing), but your GPA is pretty good and a 2340 is a very shiny number to look at. The Summer things are nice. I like the fact you’ve self studied/went ahead of the school curriculum – possibly something to write about?</p>

<p>Tufts - low match - match
UCLA - low match - match
UCB(OOS) - match
Yale/Brown/Stanford - All are crapshoots, but look like matches to low reaches. Don’t be surprised if you get in, but don’t be surprised if you don’t, either.</p>

<p>Chance back?</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>quote=OneLoveOneLife Sophomore: 3.71 (All H’s…School only allows AP’s starting in junior yr)
Junior: 4.0 (4 AP’s, 2 H’s)
W GPA: 4.43
Rank: 12/500 – Top 3% /quote. </p>

<p>Please tell me your school has grade deflation.
Otherwise, very impressive!</p>

<p>Thanks for your reply!</p>

<p>I actually didn’t get ahead of the school curriculum…I probably should’ve made that clear in my post. Since I didn’t take H math/science in 9th grade, I caught up last summer so that I could take AP science & H precalc this year. Although, according to my GC, she’s never seen a student do this.</p>

<p>What does OOS stand for? (hope I don’t sound like a moron)</p>

<p>Also, would you mind telling me which EC’s seem random/unimportant?</p>

<p>Lebron: I’m not too sharp on these kinds of terms. Haha. Would you mind giving me a brief explanation of grade deflation?</p>

<p>Wait… really?
You have 2340!
Anyways grade deflation means when everyone has bad grades because teachers are very strict in grading.</p>

<p>I’m not a genius either…I worked my ass off for that score!</p>

<p>In my freshman year, I did have 2 teachers whose grading was pretty odd. For example, my fashion and design teacher gave me a B+ even though I got 100%'s on every single test, stayed after many days to work on my sewing projects, etc. I’m not very good at sewing, but it was clear that I tried very hard.
My English teacher was sick for almost the entire school year and I can count the # of assignments/tests he gave us on my hands… I heard that he gave everyone a B. (I got a B+)</p>

<p>Though, I also mentioned in my post the problems I was dealing with.</p>

<p>OOS stands for Out-Of-State. State schools like UCLA and UCB tend to favor people who live in their respective state over those who are not in the state. UCB and UCLA, if you do not live in CA(aka are OOS), are quite hard to get into (not that hard for you though!). And no, you dont sound like a moron, dont worry =]</p>

<p>And Ill go through the “random” ECs - the rest seem quite good:</p>

<p>Found an unpaid internship myself at a t.v production company (9) //good, go into more detail
Took Algebra II (10) // why is this significant? is this ahead of the normal curriculum?
Self-studied Chemistry (10) //another good point
Lots of traveling // random? will it be a topic of your essay?
Work with my city’s waste department (10 + 11) //good
Work on my school composting project (10) //also good
Babysitting (9, 10, 11) //also good, are you going to get any parents to write letters or write an essay about it(still good regardless)?
Waitressing (11) //very good
Will be attending UVA Young Writers Workshop (11)//very good =]
Will be going to Israel for 1 month (11) //For what? Religion? Or just interested? Nothing wrong with this one, just curious :slight_smile: If its for a volunteer service or something, its quite good - otherwise I dont particularly see a point =] unless its for an essay or something along those lines
Lots of reading and writing // random, but I dont think this counts as an EC as much as just a hobby (unless you have distinctions in either)
Practice guitar // have you ever played a concert? It’s good to put on whatever musical talent you have, but moreso if it’s related to a school orchestra/band, a local band, or concerts/competitions
International travel with family (Since I was little) // see same remark as before about traveling</p>

What is that?</p>

<p>It generally means that you work as a waitress at a restaurant, lebron =]</p>

<p>Oh, HAHA.
I was thinking of: Wait and dressing.
I was like, what’s that!!!</p>

hey synny101, I meant to chance you for a long time! I will send you my stats soon on a PM!</p>

<p>Found an unpaid internship myself at a t.v production company (9)… I transcribed, organized & logged tapes for a Lifetime original series.
Took Algebra II (10) Not ahead of normal curric. I was behind & wanted to get ahead. My GC said that it’s very uncommon for students at my school to do this.
Self-studied Chemistry (10) Same as above
Lots of traveling - This was random
Work with my city’s waste department (10 + 11) //good
Work on my school composting project (10) //also good
Babysitting (9, 10, 11) I never thought about that… Maybe I will. I guess that they could say how responsible I am, mature, patient with kids, yada yada.
Waitressing (11) //very good
Will be attending UVA Young Writers Workshop (11)//very good =]
Will be going to Israel for 1 month (11) I’m Jewish & it’s for Jewish teens. I would be spending 2 weeks visiting successful companies started by Jewish people - science labs, environmental organizations, etc & the other half enjoying the country.
Lots of reading and writing - Not EC’s… but as you saw above, writing is a significant EC
Practice guitar - Not sure where/how to perform, actually. I’ve only been playing since my sophomore year.
International travel with family (Since I was little) Didn’t mean to repeat myself! </p>

<p>I’ll go chance you now!</p>

<p>Also, Lebron: Is what I described, grade deflation? If so, should I ask my GC to mention those classes and/or my issues?</p>

<p>bump 10char</p>

<p>Chancing people like you makes me feel sad about myself, esp. because I am trying to get writing awards and stuff like that myself.</p>

<p>I’d say everything is a match. You’re in at Tufts, low match for UVA, UCB, UCLA, match for Dartmouth and UPenn, high match for Stanford, Princeton and Brown.</p>

<p>Please chance me too!
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Thanks gadiii, but don’t feel bad about yourself! I worked really hard to get my awards…I wrote all summer before my junior year for specific competitions, and will do so again this summer.</p>

<p>Have you already entered competitions or would you like some help finding ones? I’ll go chance you!</p>

<p>bump, please!</p>

<p>bumpity bump</p>

<p>Going to repost this, since you seem to want it again :)</p>

<p>Some of the EC seem random/ not important(while some are really good / amazing), but your GPA is pretty good and a 2340 is a very shiny number to look at. The Summer things are nice. I like the fact you’ve self studied/went ahead of the school curriculum – possibly something to write about?</p>

<p>Tufts - low match - match
UCLA - low match - match
UCB(OOS) - match
Yale/Brown/Stanford - All are crapshoots, but look like matches to low reaches. Don’t be surprised if you get in, but don’t be surprised if you don’t, either.</p>

<p>Chance back?</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Bumping every 10 minutes wont help. I go through every unread thread, and it will probably take a bit between replies. Just relax, you’re smart and you should know it :)</p>

<p>Hahahah, sorry. Thanks. I’m just bored :p</p>

<p>Princeton 2%
UPenn 8%
Yale 3%
Stanford 2%</p>