Hello~ I am currently in the process of filling out the UC Application! I would greatly appreciate more input as to my chances for UCB and UCLA, especially UCB. I am also applying to Stanford and UChicago as super duper reach schools
so chances on that also would be much appreciated. Thank you.
UC Weighted GPA: 4.57
Unweighted GPA: 3.97
Weighted GPA: 4.3? (9th grade grades were particularly bad because of a family situation but thankfully UC’s do not look at 9th grade/ I have gotten straight A’s since then)
9th Grade:
H Biology B/B
H English A/B
H Algebra 2 C/D
Mandarin 1 A/A
Geography A/A
(I know my grades in 9th were terrible, I had a family situation which I plan to explain in the additional comments section. Plus 9th grade grades arent taken into consideration for UCs so I am safe.)
10th Grade:
AP Biology B/A
AP World Hist. A/A
H English 10 A/A
H Algebra 2 A/A
Mandarin 2 A/A
- PE requirement
11th Grade:
AP US Hist. A/A
AP Eng Lang A/A
AP Psychology A
H Physiology A/A
Mandarin 3 A/A
Painting A (had to split up semesters due to swim team in spring)
AP Statistics A (took summer of 11th only first semester)
12th Grade:
AP Physics C: Mechanics
AP Literature
AP Calc AB
AP Gov/ Honors Econ
Mandarin 4
AP Tests taken:
AP Biology 4
AP World History 4
AP US History 5
AP English Lang 4
AP Psychology 5
AP Statistics (didnt take AP test yet)
(plan to take the 12th grade ones)
California Resident
SAT Scores: (CR: 640 WR: 700 Math: 730)
(my current SAT score but I am waiting on the results from October SAT to be released, hopefully they will be better!)
SAT II Scores:
Biology E: 770
Japanese: 780
Plan to take Math 2 in Nov.
Which college are you applying to? (Letters and Science, Engineering, Chemistry, etc.)
Letters and Sciences undeclared/ leaning towards physics/ science major.
-Team Captain, Varsity Swim team 9-12th grade
-Director, School Heal the Bay Club 9-12th grade
-UCLA Medical Radiology Center internship w/ head associate professor 11-12th grade
-Wushu/Martial Arts team (outside of school) 9-12th grade
-Vice president, Academic Decathalon team 11-12th grade
-School Robotics Team 11-12th grade
-Knights and Ladies school service organization 11-12th grade
-Historian, MESA (Mathematics, Engineering, Science Achievement) 9-12th grade
-Early Academic Outreach Program (EAOP) 10-12th grade
-Piano/ music theory 9-12th grade
Actress 9-12th grade
Small business founder 9-12th grade (online + also sell my work in shops around LA)
(all money has been put towards college savings)
Any other specific accomplishments:
-2015 Junior Honor Guard: (basically top ten students on UC GPA chosen to oversee graduation for class of 2015
-2015 CIF LA City Swim Championships: (4th overall in 200 medley relay)
-1st Degree Black Belt (after about 8 years of doing Martial Arts)
-Music Theory up to Level 5 from Trinity College London with High Honors
-USC Mesa Day 3rd place in egg drop
-AP Scholar with Distinction
-NHSS Scholar
Demographics stuff:
Gender: Female
State: CA
Race: Mix of Japanese/Pakistani/Iranian
Both parents attended college and both have bachelors
Public school
Thank you so much for reading and I apologize for the length!