<p>User Name: cheermyantidrug
ethnicity: filipino/greek
Gender: F
Location: SF Bay Area
College Class Year: 2014
High School: Public
High School Type: sends some grads to top schools
Will apply for financial aid: Yes</p>
<p>GPA - Unweighted: 3.50
GPA - Weighted: 3.80
Class Rank: top 10%
Class Size: 350
By the end of senior year, I will have taken 4-5 AP classes</p>
<p>SAT I Math: 610
SAT I Critical Reading: 590
SAT I Writing: 630
havent taken my subject tests but i project that i'll do well on them</p>
<p>Significant Extracurriculars: (3 years) mock trial team
(3 years) interact (communtiy service club)
(2 years) best buddies club
(1 year) Middle School Tutor
GATE member
Leadership positions: Vice President of Interact Club
Vice President of Best Buddies
Middle School Tutor
Athletic Status - list sport and your level: Competitive All Star Cheerleader since 6th grade
played tennis and ran for cross country
Volunteer/Service Work: 200+ Hours
Honors and Awards: 2006 Cheerleading MVP
Principal's LIst Honor (>3.5 GPA) for 8 out of 10 semesters of high school
College Summer programs: French Study Abroad</p>
<p>Colleges of Interest:</p>
Cal Poly SLO
Any suggestions? I'd prefer a school on the west coast.</p>