<p>Hello, I’m a senior from a small school in Wisconsin. I just want to know how my chances are at some of the higher end universities since people in my city don’t really have that good of perspective since nobody really applies anywhere but in-state schools.
As of now my number one is Notre Dame, but I am also applying to some very high-end schools like Stanford, Yale, and Brown. Any input would be appreciated.</p>
<p>-I have a 4.0 GPA out of 4.0 Unweighted (School doesn’t weight grades)
-I’m ranked #1 in my class
-35 on the ACT
-I’ve taken the hardest available courses including 2 APs, 4 honors, 4 Advanced, and 5 College credit courses
-Link Crew Leader (Help freshmen out throughout the year)
-Student Assistant (Tutor kids during my free period)
-National Honor Society
-Spanish Honor Society
-American Math Competition
-4 year varsity letter winner in track (Captain this year)
-3 year varsity letter winner in basketball (One of four captains)
-2 years on cross country
-Sting Cancer Club
-Volunteer at American Cancer Society (Over 100 hours) My moms a 3 time breast cancer survivor so cancer is a big part of my life
-Volunteer at St. Vincents Hospital
- Little Kid Basketball Coach
- I have had a job as a banquet server since i was in 8th grade (10 hrs/wk) and another job as a dishwasher at a restaurant (10 hrs/wk)</p>
<p>I know my Extracurriculars are kinda weak, but basketball really takes up my life year-round. We are considered one of the best teams in the state so we put in a ton of time and effort to keep our reputation.</p>
<p>Essays are about how my mom’s cancer has changed my life and instilled the morals and values I have in myself today. I also talk about my passion with science and medicine through various experiences I’ve had in my life.
mamo240 is online now</p>