Please chance me thank you i love you

<p>I'm a rising junior attending a public high school in Los Angeles, and I'd like to know if I'm on the right track, since UCLA is my dream school. Any input or advice would be appreciated!</p>

<p>Caucasian/Middle-Eastern female
In-state </p>

<p>Test Scores:</p>

<p>PSAT (sophomore year): 198
SAT II Math 2: haven't received score yet, but I'm not expecting a very good one
SAT II Bio M: same as above </p>



<p>Algebra 2 ~~ A/A
Chemistry ~~ A/A
English 9 ~~ A/A
Spanish 1 ~~ A/A
World Cultures ~~ A (one semester class)
Media ~~ A (one semester class)
Gym ~~ A/A</p>


<p>AP Bio ~~ A/A
AP Euro ~~ A/A
Honors English 10 ~~ A/A
Honors Spanish 2 ~~ A/A
Pre-calculus ~~ A/A
Gym ~~ A/A</p>

<p>Junior (prospective):</p>

<p>AP Lang
AP US History
AP Calc BC
AP Enviro
Honors Physics
Honors Spanish 3
AP Human Geography (possible self-study)</p>

<p>Senior (prospective):</p>

<p>AP Lit
AP Stats
AP Physics C
AP Spanish Lang/Reg. Spanish 4
AP Psych (possible self-study if I go with reg. Spanish 4)</p>

<p>ECs and clubs:</p>

<p>*Peer Tutor ~~ 2 years; I tutor math and science students through my school's tutoring program
*Volunteer at local library ~~ 1 summer; I will be volunteering at my local library this summer, and hopefully during the upcoming school year as well
*Member of Youth Group ~~ 5 years; I've been a part of a religiously-centered youth group in my community which organizes community service projects and things of that sort
*Shelter Helpers club ~~ member for 2 years; centered around activism for animal rights and community service geared towards animal shelters
*Wonder Women club ~~ member for 1 year; centered around activism for women's rights, especially in underdeveloped and third world countries
*Best Buddies club ~~ member for 1 year; a couple of days each week we eat lunch with the disabled students at our school, as those students don't have much contact with non-disabled students at school otherwise
*Human Rights Watch Student Task Force ~~ member for 2 years/Co-President junior year and hopefully senior year; a club centered around human rights activism which is part of a much larger organization encompassing many schools in the area</p>

<p>I know my ECs and test scores are both weak spots. I planned on volunteering at the UCLA Medical Center this summer but I never heard back from them, so I guess I'll just apply again next summer. I'm also planning on joining some more clubs next year. In regard to test scores, I plan on starting to study for the SAT this summer, so I can hopefully make up for what I expect to be low SAT subject test scores. </p>

<p>One question, I know that UCLA does not accept score choice for the SAT, but is the policy different for SAT subject tests?</p>

<p>Am I on the right track? Thank you!</p>

<p>You seem to be on the right track just have some really good essays and try to get national merit. Iā€™m not sure about their policy on the sat subject test.</p>

<p>Could you chance me? <a href=ā€œ[/url]ā€>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;